Monday, April 1, 2013

Bunny Rhymes

It's a tough tough job
Being Easter Bunny

Nobody ever leaves you cookies
and your feet are kinda funny

It's a tough tough job
working with a bunch of chicks

They're pumping out the eggs
while I eat my carrot sticks

It's a tough tough job
too many baskets in my paws

but I have to work hard
there aren't no bunny labor laws

It's a tough tough job
kidz always be asking for more

they like to show their gratitude
by smashing chocolate on the floors

Floppy ears to yo mutha - EB Out


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter!



Roz said...

Lovely Easter moments in this post! Cherish them; they grow up way too fast! I miss the Easter bunny on Easter morning now that my kids are in their 30's!

Sprigs of Rosemary said...

What a wonderful day that must have been . . .

teresa said...

haha, awesome!

Unknown said...

Wonderful family!!!

Maybe we can follow each other? Let me know ;)!

Have an amazing weekend!

Chris said...

EB stands for Eminemibunny? You have made rappin' skills, yo'.

Katie said...

I want to come to one of your parties someday. Wow!

Katie said...

I want to come to one of your parties someday. Wow!