
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Peanut Noodles and Beef Lettuce Wraps

I was going to post the 15 new recipes that I've made over the last few months but then I realized you guys probably already know how to turn on the oven and place frozen food inside.  I was getting so good at this cooking thing and then I just fell off the wagon.  Let me tell you, I've lost my mojo.

I'm not really too sad about this, I mean life gets in the way sometimes.  I never told myself I wouldn't be the mom who fills her kids with PB&J and Macaroni and Cheese.  Being super healthy and homemade in the food department was never a huge goal of mine.  My biggest goal quite honestly is to make it through day with some sort of semi smile on my face.

Let's face it some days are rough.  I'm mother to a 5 and almost 2 year old, and I'm sort of obsessive about a clean house.  This is not a good combination as some of you might know.  I was doing good for awhile there but now all I'm finding is popcorn kernels and Strawberry Jam smashed into my pretty rugs.

Let me also mention that on Christmas Eve my almost 2 year old hit an entire glass of red wine out of my husbands hands, it landed on the carpet...I almost cried...except I had already had some wine so that helped curb my "Husband how could you not have held onto the big red glass of red wine" reaction.  Now every time I walk downstairs the only thing I see is the red wine stain that's oddly the shape of Florida, like a huge huge huge version of Florida.  I don't particularly enjoy the state anymore!

So the food in the pictures, well it's one of the one things I made fresh over the last week or so.  My husband almost shat a brick coming home to a full on meal.  Yes I said "shat a brick", Despite the lack of real cooking going on in my house I do manage to keep very ladylike behavior.

You can find the delicious Simple Asian Soy Peanut Noodles Here (I used Udon Noodles).
You can find the Scrumpdiddlyuptious Asian Beef Lettuce wraps here.

The noodles hold up for days!  Thanks Georgia from The Comfort of Cooking, the recipes were so tasty and super simple.  Shoot - I used Chili Sauce from a packet from Panda Express so I didn't have to go buy any, cause that how I ROLL.