
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cinnamon Turkey Soup

Have you ever thought to yourself that cinnamon and turkey would be good together? Well, not me. To be honest with you even now it sounds strange but.. I have a super great recipe for some wonderful Cinnamon Turkey Soup, it is a very odd flavor at first but then it just binds so wonderfully. I lived on this for a few days for dinner and so did my husband. Not Indy of course, it was too good for her palate so I made her live on Saltines and cheese.


1 Onion, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 ¼ pounds ground turkey
8 oz o canned green chili peppers, chopped
1 tbs cumin
1 tbs dried oregano
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cayenne pepper (based on the heat you want!)
(3) 15 oz cans of white beans, 1 should be pureed
4-5 cups of chicken broth
2 cups of shredded Monterey jack cheese
Cornstarch to thicken (if you like)
1 cup of cooked instant white rice
1 toddler who likes to give unwarranted hugs (CHECK)


First things first, let’s get everything chopped and pureed (as listed above). This is how I like to do things, keeps the kitchen cleaner. I even put all the spices in one bowl just to get all the clutter out of mommy’s way.

In a large pot over a medium high heat brown your turkey, onion & garlic together. Add the chili peppers next then all the spices and let cook another 3-4 minutes. Next comes the beans, you will want to add the 2 cans of whole beans drained and the pureed beans from the 3rd can. After that you can add in your chicken broth, cheese & cooked rice. Cornstarch is the very last step if you want, totally your choice. I added a tablespoon.

Sit….Wait…unwarranted hugs from toddler come in handy now (that’s why they are part of the list). So after about 20 minutes dinner is served. The next day the flavors are twenty times better, so save some for work!

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