
Monday, March 29, 2010

Fudge Cakes

Well in addition to tomatoes being new on my craving list after pregnancy you can now officially add chocolate to that list; totally a vanilla girl before. My family was nursing a cold over the weekend and we wanted to make a special breakfast on Sunday, something to pep us up; and as we speak I just accidentally erased the best picture of it……@$%& DARNIT! Alright now moving on to these *fudge cakes* they were pretty darn good. I don’t want to lie and call them pancakes because well the consistency was far from a pancake. So I dub these *fudge cakes*. Little spiral disks of chocolate goodness, great topped with whipped cream and syrup.


3/4 cup Butter, melted
3/4 cup Cocoa
2 cups Flour
1 1/2 cup Sugar
4 Eggs
2 teaspoons Vanilla
1/2 teaspoon Salt
¼ cup whole milk


Melt butter and mix with cocoa powder. Mix together all other ingredients, then add in the butter & cocoa mix; pan fry till done…just like a pancake. This batter makes a fairly thin cake; but don’t worry.

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