
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Onion Soup Burgers

Last night was burger night for our household. Such a simple recipe below, made some really tender and juicy burgers. I will make a confession though; my burgers were cooked in a frying pan. I went outside to uncover our grill and well it had not been uncovered for quite some time. When I opened the thing up I was greeted with much wild life and chose to do my burger cooking inside; I didn’t need the extra protein. Ok now that you are good and hungry after my confession, here is the recipe.


2lbs of ground beef
3/4 package of dry Onion Soup Mix
1/2 cup of breadcrumbs
3/4 cup of sour cream, add more if patties will not shape properly
Salt & Pepper
Buns or bread


Combine all ingredients except the bun. Refrigerate for 20 minutes then shape into 8 patties. Grill (or cook on your stovetop), how simple is that! These burgers have crazy flavor. There is no cheese needed, but who are we kidding cheese will not hurt the burger. I recommend a slice of tomato.

What’s on the inside

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