
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life & Stuff - absolutely no food here..

Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due. ~William Ralph Inge

My daughter does not worry, I wonder how long until she does? I can tell you one thing, I will know it has happened the minute she quits hitting her head on the coffee table for the 17th time in one day.

Have you ever seen a smiling face that wasn’t beautiful?
Me neither.

When I don’t give it all for her, I really regret those lost moments. Sometimes I think to myself “Jennifer, is it really that hard!!”

My daughter looked at me this morning, she had about 3 pieces of fruit left on her plate. She said to me “Mommy, do you want to share?”

That is just so precious.

Lollipops, sticker, and Milk. Motivation for anything if you ask Indigo.

Some of your hurts you have cured,
And the sharpest you still have survived,
But what torments of grief you endured
From the evil which never arrived.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love you daughter.
Wish it were Friday already! ha


  1. Your daughter is so pretty and sweet!



  2. well hello little cutie girl. i love food blogs that show more delicious things than food...KIDS!

    you daughter is adorable.

  3. She's so gorgeous! These pictures are so precious, I really love the first one and last ones.
    Indigo, thanks for making me smile cutie! :)

  4. What a sweet post! Your daughter is a doll and looks so happy! Love her little outfit also. She's better than food any day. This makes me really anxious for my grandchild to arrive.

  5. So sweet! Your daughter is darling! My husband always says "Worry solves all my problems!" LOL!

  6. This post warmed my heart. Aren't children amazing in their ability to walk through life with such appreciation and trust? If only we could become less cynical and anxious! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh, How I love this post! Your daughter is beautiful and you are not only an amazing chef, apparently an amazingly loving mother as well. Happy Mothering, my friend!

  8. Your daughter is going to look back on this post someday...and truly I don't know what she'll think but she'll be moved by it. I know I was. And I love the pictures!

  9. You are a sweet Mommy and one she will appreciate in the years to come. She is lovely.

  10. Your daughter is absolutely her cute poses!!

    US Masala

  11. She is so precious! Worry is the hardest thing about being a mom, you never stop. Why can't we be like men. The ones I know, at least, don't seem to worry so much:)

  12. You're so lucky to have such a beautiful and loving daughter, love the last shot....

  13. I love this post! Your daughter is adorable and I am so jealous of her worry free attitude. PS, I've got a giveaway going on that I think you might be interested in :) Stop by and check it out!

  14. Precious post and gorgeous little girl! That's the trick with parenting isn't it. In the moment it seems daunting and complicated, but you're sorry those same moments slip away! Mine are 5 and 7 and I wish I could freeze them eternally as they are!

  15. your doter is so pretty and the pics are just gorgeous....Nice post jen!

  16. How adorable!!

    By the way... you won my giveaway...check out my site for the details!

  17. Tears in my eyes right now! Great post and I can SO little girl is about to turn 4 and my boy about to turn 2. Your words are spot on!

  18. I love your post to your precious Indigo. So sweet, just like her beautiful smiles.

  19. Your daughter is too cute! And yes - I love my daughter every single day. My daughter is 20 months, and I love being able to see the world through her eyes.

  20. She is just so adorable, Jen! Thank you for sharing these photos and sentiments.

  21. So precious, what a sweet mommy she has too :)

  22. i awwwwed all the way through this post!
    great blog!
    loving the posts
    stop by some time xx
    take a peek at my giveaway while you're at it!

  23. What a great post. Love the first picture of her hiding her eyes. So sweet!

  24. Haha thanks. It is totally like another universe there.
    Wow your daughter is so flippin' cute! I love this post.

  25. Beautiful photos! She's such a cutie!

  26. Enjoy her every moment! My daughter is 15 and it seemed not long ago she was like little Indigo.

  27. Great post, cute photos:) Here's another "worry" quote that I have framed: "Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength." anon.

  28. she is perfect!!! thank you for sharing those precious images of your daughter....I just love them!!!
