
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Double Layer Candy Cane Fudge

Welcome baby Evan to the world! My friend just gave birth (drug free - GO HER)!

As I sit home (go me I have off today) I am watching some re-runs of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Knowing my good friend just gave birth and pondering these Beverly Hills ladies all in one thought has me thinking one thing..

My Friend Tina Rules way more than them.

Now I should really ask myself this question...

Why Jennifer are you watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

It's not like I said, I rule...I said my friend did.

I have poor TV viewing habits...there I said it...Speaking of poor choices, this fudge would be one if you plan on dieting.

INGREDIENTS (recipe from the Betty Crocker website)

Chocolate Fudge Layer
1 bag of Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 can of creamy chocolate spreadable frosting

White Chocolate Peppermint Layer
1 bag of white Chocolate Chips
1 can of creamy vanilla spreadable frosting
2 drops of red food coloring
1/2 cup of crushed candy canes
toppings, I used nestle red & green morsels

* This recipe produces a soft fudge


Line 13x9-inch pan with foil so foil extends over sides of pan; lightly butter foil. In a double boiler melt your chocolate chips stirring constantly, until smooth. Next add in frosting, stir until nicely combined. Spread in pan. Refrigerate 20 minutes.

One chocolate fudge alomst chilled, melt your white chocolate in a double boiler. Stir in vanilla frosting and food color until well blended. Fold in crushed peppermint candy.

Spread carefully over chilled chocolate layer. Sprinkle nestle morsels over top; press in lightly. Refrigerate just until set, about 1 hour

After 1 hour...remove from pan by pulling on the small things..

Again...welcome baby Evan & good luck over the next few weeks to the 2nd time parents.


  1. that looks divine!!!! Congrats to your friends and their new addition!!

  2. This fudge looks like a delicious poor choice for the waist line! :-)

  3. OMG< this looks sinful and like my girls would go completely ape shit over it! Love it!

  4. such a precious quote and so true! this looks amazing, i love the peppermint layer. talk about taking a treat to the next level!

  5. So pretty and tempting! I love your elk...



  6. Love the fall backdrop with the foliage and rain, plus a palm tree.... are you in cali? Are those red and green nibs? I love peppermint.... hm.. I wonder if I can't find them here..

  7. First off I love the quote on the 1st picture. 2nd Congrats to your friend! 3rd this fudge looks and sounds amazing!!!

  8. This fudge looks beautiful, festive, and delicious. Thanks for sharing it. Congrats to your friend and welcome Baby Evan and lots of love and happiness. What a special time of year to have a baby.

  9. These are the PERFECT holiday treat! They not only look soo yummy but they look like christmas!

  10. Oh, gosh! How cute is that! Wonderful treat for this time of year, Jennifurla!

  11. That quote just about sums it all up, doesn't it? Your friend is awesome - no drugs? Wow!

    I could make this fudge disappear quickly. Of course, my thighs would find them just as quick.

    P.S. I watch the same idea why.

  12. OMG those looks so incredibly good. I wish I could have that whole pan!!! YUM!!

  13. Well, if one wants to ruin their diet, I'd say this would be a delicious way to do it! yum :)

  14. So beautiful to look at, such a colorful topping and of course delicious...

  15. Oh dear. I think I better steer clear of these. They look wonderful. Bet they make a great hostess gift!

  16. Oh gosh, these look incredible Jen! I'd happily give myself 20 cavities after sinking my chompers into a few bites of this fudge. It looks so devilishly decadent! Thanks for sharing.

  17. This candy cane fudge looks absolutely amazing! I need to show this to my husband - up until the other day he had no idea that there are different kinds of fudge than just chocolate. I told him the possibilities are endless and he seemed so amazed :)

  18. PS A big and wonderful congratulations on the birth of your friend's new baby.

  19. I'll bet a few of these would have helped your friend in labor! These are my kind of drug!

  20. These are gorgeous! So fun and those sprinkles are beautiful spots of color. Congrats to your friend on the new baby!

  21. These look too heavenly! Don't feel guilty for doing fun/silly stuff on your day off, and don't feel guilty for nibbling these gorgeous pieces of fudge! That's what vacation days are for. :)

  22. Oh boy, these look so beautifully decadent!

  23. Congratulations to your friend (and I hate to admit it...but I was watching Real Housewives NYC tonight! How funny are we?) These fudge bars look AMAZING. I'm sure they taste even better. Thank you for sharing this recipe with me. I hope you have a weekend full of relaxation and fun!

  24. omg... I'm drooling looking at these.

  25. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm lovin your photos! Congrats to your friend!!! PS ~ I too share in the poor tv habits.... Housewives is one of my fave guilty pleasures. :)

  26. haha...I know, the only time I ever have time to watch it is late and I dont have a dvr so I have been guilty of watching an episode or two. It is like watching a train wreck...I dont really want to see it but I just cant look away!

  27. I admit I've watched an episode or two of that Beverly Hills bunch. It's like watching a train wreck - difficult to take your eyes off of it for some weird reason. How can that many women be completely lacking in substance? Oh well...enough of that.

    My family would love, love, love your fudge recipe.

  28. This looks soooo delicious. Wish I could have a bite of it right now!

  29. I am Addicted to the OC housewives... I can't wait for the new season to start! I have never watched Beverly Hills, anyways.... your fudge looks ridiculously GOOD!

  30. Seriously these are the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. Love them and will for sure give them a try this year!


  31. Merry Christmas to you! Watching mindless bad TV is okay-enjoy it!


  32. I really wish I hadn't read this post because now I really, really want to make some fudge! Not like I need any :)

  33. Jennifer...although this is an incredibly sinfully sweet treat for is equally charming and endearing...very cheerful.
    Beautiful photos and post ;o)

    Flavourful wishes,

  34. This fudge looks delicious and very festive too! Congrats to your friend on the new baby!
