
Monday, January 24, 2011

Tequila Lime Tart

There are certain times in life that call for a party. Times that require friends, food, drink, and smiles. I can think of all the basic ones…

Births, Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Graduations..etc…etc…

If none of these are happening in the next few weeks then we have just got to come up with some other fan-freaking-tastic reasons for you to sample this tart. So let’s make a list.

Reason 1 - Finding your work badge after a 3 day weekend. I tend to store my badge in what I believe to be a highly visible and non lose your badge area. NOTE TO SELF AND OTHERS, YOU NEVER REMEMBER THE "EVER SO SECRET NEVER FORGET THAT IMPORTANT ITEM SPOT"

So find that badge, make this tart.

Reason 2 – Printing out all of your 2 ½ year olds first year pictures. Yes, I am totally a slacker. I seem to have a talent for taking pictures just not one for printing and putting them away. Needless to say they are printed and neatly tucked away in a place I will never lose them in..

Organize pictures, make this tart.

Reason 3 – Any day that ends in Y is a reason to make this tart, there you are so totally covered if abiding by my rules for making this tart.

If you need any other reason simply take a swig of tequila..which could possibly steer you in this tarts direction.

Delightfully borrowed from : This place


For the crust:

• 10 ounces vanilla wafers
• 1/4 cup pine nuts
• 1/2 cup butter, melted

For the filling:

• 2 egg whites
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 1/4 cup tequila
• 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
• 4 egg yolks
• 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
• Fresh whipped cream, for serving


For the crust:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Add wafers and pine nuts to food processor, pulse until well ground up. Pour into bowl and add melted butter. Mix by hand, with a wooden spoon, and press into 10-inch tart pan.

Place tart pan in the oven and bake for 8 minutes.

For the filling:

In a mixing bowl add egg whites and sugar, beat until there are soft peaks.

In another mixing bowl, add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Fold in the egg whites. Pour into tart shell and bake for 25 minutes.

Party on dude.


  1. You had me at Tequila my friend! Yes, yes, and YES....I will be making this.

  2. I love your attitude in finding any reason to celebrate with this wonderful baked good!

  3. I love limes and tequila... I am so making this!! YUM!

  4. That tart looks so refreshing and luscious! I really like that addition of tequila. I'm drooling...



  5. This goes on my list for SURE. Looks great!

  6. I am saving this for summer. It sounds amazing!

  7. I wonder if I can get away with making this dessert for my church family? Hmmmm.....well, if not, I surely will enjoy it! :)

  8. My mouth is totally watering right now just imaging what this tastes like!!!

  9. This looks delicious! It puts me in a summery mood. I love your pictures!

  10. Lime on it's own in a dessert always calls my tummy ;o) I'm used to many varieties of liquors in my baking, and yet, I have yet to use tequila. Good to know it pairs well with lime ;o)

    Have a great week Jennifer.

    Flavourful wishes,

  11. Party on indeed. I don't think you need a reason at all to make this but I loved the creativity of your list;) Looks DELISH!!

  12. I love finding reasons to celebrate life's small victories, and this tart looks like a great way to do it! =)

  13. You should have used some Patron like all the rappers!

  14. Every one of your reasons works for me! You had me at tequila!

  15. oh my goodness, a party indeed! look at those bright, gorgeous flavors, love it!

  16. oh my freaking yum! tequila+dessert = a-ok in my book!

  17. absolutely divine recipe. Thanks so much for sharing. I will for sure make this over the summer.


  18. Looks so good- tart, sweet and delicious!

  19. Yum! I actually used both tequila and lime to make shrimp tacos tonight. Such versatile ingredients, I tell you.

  20. Such a perfect and yummy tart! Great photos too....

  21. Jen, I LOVE the bright summery flavors, especially the tequila, you used in this tart - It's gorgeous! Makes me wish it was July already. Thanks for sharing!

  22. We shouldn't wait for 'special' occasions to make special foods :)
    And your tequila lime tart does look divine!

  23. Looks just great . . . .if I could only find my tart pan!

  24. Oh my goodness, Jen..that looks amazing! I know it taste heavenly too. Forget the reasons, I'm just gonna make this for the hell of it!! Ok, I have to go by a tart pan first (can't believe I don't own one) THEN I'll make it!!

  25. Ohhhh yeah! I will have a double shot in my piece!!! Love this.

  26. Sooo good looking! I am totally drooling :)

    US Masala

  27. Love your unusual crust! And you can't beat a pie like this. I'm drooling.

  28. I love citrus based desserts and am always bummed there are more lemon than lime desserts. Yay for a delicious looking lime dessert!

  29. This tart looks amazing! I love the pine nuts in the crust.

  30. OMG can I just say a Margarita is my favorite all time drink, so I am all over this beauty of yours!

  31. No need to convince me...the title alone makes me want to go buy a bag of limes right now! Thank you for sharing this treat, sweet friend. May the middle of your week be full of joy and laughter.

  32. Looks absolutely delicious and it looks like you are having MUCH nicer weather there than we are where I live! Needless to say, I'm jealous. :)

  33. This looks gorgeous! Love that you used tequila for the lime tart. Must be tasting scrumptious.

  34. Now this is my kind of tart!!! With a margarita of the side pls! Love the "super secret spot" too. I've lost many things to that spot only to later find them I think what a dumb "safe" place! LOL!

  35. Makes me want to have a fiesta in the backyard! Love the tequila and lime...who can resist? Gorgeous photos too.

  36. This looks so creamy and delicious! It also reminds me that I have a lime recipe waiting in the wings:) LOVE your "Reason 3"! :)

  37. I am making this pronto, thanks for the recipe!

  38. OMG - I am in LOVE with this pie. I can't wait to taste it.

  39. I love lime tarts (just made a key lime sour cream tart) and I love Sauza so this will be on my plate this weekend!

  40. Um, I gotta tell you, I love tequila and lime! And to turn it into a Sounds perfect. I have to have this!!

    Found you on Saturday Swap! :)

  41. Thanks for linking this to Saturday Swap! As I said before, this sounds like an amazing recipe that would bring some sunshine to winter! You have a super weekend!!!!

  42. Any reason is a good enough reason to make this tart. It looks super super delish.
