
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Girl Scout Truffles

That’s right Girl Scout Truffles, do I have everyone’s attention?

I have to say I just couldn't take it anymore. After being bombarded at Payless, Stater Brothers, Target, Trader Joe's, and Old Navy I simply swiped those girl scout…cookies up and got my brain to work on a proper way to convert them into decadence.

I so succeeded. All my friends told me so and they are fine upstanding citizens…on Mondays.

Actually my husband just ate the last one. Don’t worry I will make him pay for it later…into the week.

This recipe is delightfully borrowed from me! I paid myself in wine & Cheese, and feel properly compensated. So if you have someone that needs a treat, perhaps a truffle made out of one of the 85 boxes of Samoa’s you have would work?

INGREDIENTS (Makes 18 truffles)
(Printable Recipe)

(1) box of Samoas
4 oz Mascarpone Cheese, softened
1 cup quick cooking oats
½ bag of semi -sweet chocolate chips
4 tbs of butterscotch chips


Place the Samoa Cookies into your food processor and blend into fine crumbs. I did mine in batches because a Samoa is one tough cookie (no pun here at all!). Place the cookies in a large bowl, then add in the Mascarpone and quick cooking oats. Blend well, place in your refrigerator for 30 minutes. This will make them easier to roll.

Once properly chilled, roll the dough into 1 inch balls and place on a parchment lined pan. Place back in your refrigerator for another 20 minutes to set up again.

Next place your chocolate & butterscotch chips in a double boiler over a medium high heat. Stir with a wooden spoon until the chips are completely melted.

Now we get messy. I dropped each truffle in to the double boiler until coated. I retrieved it by poking the truffle with a metal skewer and then tapping the excess off. Place each truffle on your parchment lined pan.

As per the picture above, after all the truffles were coated I added a topping. I used a kids medicine syringe to suck up the melted chocolate then squeezed a design on to each truffle. You could also use nuts, cocoa powder or anything else your heart desires.

Chill truffles in the refrigerator for 2 hours before eating.

Now go find a Girl Scout..cookie

Also. This is a PS - COme Visit Tomatoes on the Vine for Wordless Wednesday!

Adding this post to:


  1. YES. My full attention.

    I think this is my favorite post yet. Being half Samoan (the nationality, not the cookie), I'm somewhat biased towards that cookie over all other GS cookies. Somehow, you have just managed to take that cookie and make it even more awesome that it already is.

    And for that, you deserve a cookie. A cookie truffle, too.

  2. These are adorable! And I love that they are made with Girl Scout Cookies!

  3. Awesome idea!! I love the thin mints the best...maybe I'll have to snag a box of them outside the grocery store today;)

  4. I've been successfully avoiding girl scout cookies this year and then you go and make these out of this world treats! Samoas are my favorite and combining them with mascarpone and oatmeal is GENIUS! Love this recipe and will have to go on the hunt for girl scout cookies now :o)

  5. If my homemade samoas hadn't disappeared in less than a few hours, I would totally be on this! You are genius!

  6. OMG I'm in love. And kicking myself for polishing off all my Samoas. Now, off to track down a Girl Scout.

  7. You have just stolen my heart! Now if only I could find the flipping cookies they are MIA here.


  8. I LOVE that you used a medicine syringe for decorating the truffles. Genius! And I concur, wine and cheese are the perfect compensation for a job well done, as this so clearly is. Samoas are my downfall and though I've resisted buying them this year, I couldn't resist two boxes of thin mints.

  9. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! YUM!!! My daughter is a Daisy, so we have been selling cookies for the last month. That means at one point, I had over 1000 boxes of GS Cookies in my house. Now that they are gone, I might just have to dig out a box of Samoas out of my freezer and make these. DIVINE!

  10. You have my complete attention!! WOW! These look sooo great! : )

  11. That is a most excellent idea to put your girl scout cookies into truffles! I haven't bought any boxes this year because I already have a long list of stuff to bake, and i don't need any more cookies in the kitchen... These truffles would be really fun to make though! And eat. ;]

  12. OMG. I could go for one of these right now!!

  13. Living in the city, it is SO hard to find someone to sell girls scout cookies. These truffles look great!

  14. What a great idea! This look absolutely delicious! :)

  15. Ha, apparently my grammar is on vacation today! That should be *These* look absolutely delicious! ;)

  16. I think this is illegal in some states. OMG. Crazy lady delicious.

  17. Oh, I want some! Those look so addictive. I could eat them all at once.



  18. Looks awesome! I love the quote on the first picture too. I'm always gonna remember that. :)

  19. Those Girl Scouts have singlehandedly made me gain 10 pounds. It's a good thing I don't have these delicious truffles because I'm sure I'd gain an additional 10 pounds :)

  20. i guess its definitely girl scout season! this is genius and looks sooooooo good!

  21. A brilliant, BRILLIANT use for GS cookies! Those truffles look amazing!

  22. These are really cute, I love the swirls on the top. I don't know what samoa cookies are though?

  23. Wow great idea for a dessert!!!!!!!!!!! that looks just ... awesome!!!!!!!!!

  24. ooooohhhhhh dear I just drooled all over my keyboard. These look...FANTASTIC! Can I say though my absolute fav part of this post is the medical syringe. But now thinking of it..there is sooo many things you could use one of those for with cooking!!!

  25. Wow! These must taste amazing! I just so happen to have one box of these left that for some strange reason no one is eating. I love the idea of the mascarpone and the combo of the butterscotch and chocolate coating. Super creative. Thanks!

  26. These sound incredible! I have a box of Samoas coming from my sister and will definitely have to try these!

  27. These look fabulous!! Such a great idea for Girl Scout Cookies.

  28. You definitely have my attention! Great idea. As always, beautiful pictures.

  29. Those truffles look the swirls on top. Very neat n nice!!

    US Masala

  30. I love Samoas and never buy them because I eat the whole box in one sitting. These truffles look amazing!

  31. Brilliant idea!! Do I really have to wait two hours before serving? Do the girl scouts know you crush their cookies? It is all for a good cause though....truffles....I can't think of a better cause than that!

  32. This is making me turn into a jelly belly cuz I have yet to see one girl scout. As if the cookies were great enough already now I want to make myself some girl scout truffles. Love these.

  33. This is my favorite thing I've seen today. I adore samosas, and you've made them that much better. Thanks for sharing, sweet woman. I hope you have a great Wednesday. Happy Hump Day!

  34. You are so creative. These look amazing! They are so round and I love the chocolate swirl on top. Do you know I have not seen one G.S. this year?!?

  35. oh, these look so adorable and delicious!

  36. Those look absolutely amazing, Jen!! I must go hunt down some girl scouts now.......

  37. While I haven't had girl scout cookies in YEARS, Samoas were my all-time favorite!!!
    Your truffles are absolutely adorable and such a wonderful idea!!!

  38. You had me smiling all through this very funny post. I've never had a girl scout cookie before, maybe I just never noticed them around. (Actually, we have the Girl Guides and they sell biscuits, our word for cookies). But if I ever meet a GS cookie, I'll know what to do with it, thank you :)

  39. They're adorable and I can imagine how delicious they are. Samoas are the best and thanks for the recipe!

  40. Best use of Samoas I've ever seen. They look fabulous! And I love the tip for using the kids' medicine syringe. Thanks!

  41. i've been avoiding those sweet little doe-faced girl scouts because i can't resist the cookies! but i think for the sake of trying something new, and enhancing my skills in the kitchen, it's important that i make these truffles!

  42. Oh, samoas, how I love thee. And OMG, how I love these truffles that you made out of them! These look so delish, Jen, and I fully agree that the calories from broken cookies don't count, haha! Fun, creative and absolutely mouthwatering recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  43. Love your photography and the truffles look scrumptious...!

  44. Wow, healthy truffles at last! Now I have every excuse to make these! Delicious!!!

  45. I can't even handle the thought of how good these are!!!! YUM

  46. SHUT UP. a grown up samoa? best post i've seen all day. hands down.

  47. Why do I go online and browse cooking blogs late at night? This is like some sick form of a reverse diet plan. All this made me want is truffles, oh my god how it makes me want truffles.

    I'm going to become the Charlie Sheen of chocolate and butterscotch thanks to you.

  48. Glad I stopped by from Tomatoes on the Vine. Those looked wonderfully decadent....

  49. Haha, I love the 'broken cookies don't have calories bit!'. These look delicious, I love your photos :)

  50. What a creative idea! Wonderful photos, too!

  51. Absolute genius! I want to try these!

  52. I just wanted to let you know I'm featuring your recipe today on my weekly features. Thanks so much for sharing it!

  53. That has never beenmy favorite GS cookie, but I have t oadmit. You are pure genius when it comes to these truffles. yum!
