
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coconut Cookies

I started off motherhood thinking that I would be raising the loveliest behaved angel on the planet - that lasted all of 1 hour, 3 minutes, and 42 seconds. The minute she threw a fit…I decided by any means necessary I would calm that beast.

Thing is, if you have done the same thing I did - Give into their whims, bribe them, and let them watch The Real Housewives with you – chances are you might have a little problem on your hands.

Indigo did not I repeat did not dismantle the bush outside of our house, making herself leaf salad, using roses for tomatoes.

Indigo did not I repeat did not throw a ball 46mph into the head of a one year old, no ma’am not my Indigo.

Indigo did not I repeat Indigo did not make me drag her through Target all the while still giving in when we hit the 1 dollar bins...give me strength lord.

Anyways I just thought I would throw that out there for you, we are all learning as we go! I turn red probably 86.5 times per day for fear of other mom’s judgements…but hey I promise to cut you slack if you cut me some right back.


Cool, deal.

INGREDIENTS (makes 25-35)
delightfully borrowed from AllRecipes
{Printable Recipe}

• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
• 1/2 cup white sugar
• 1 egg
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 1/3 cups flaked coconut
• For my glaze I simply mixed ¼ cup ½ & ½ with powdered sugar until it reached a thick consistency.
• Extra coconut for decoration


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C.) Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt; set aside.

In a medium bowl, cream the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla until light and fluffy. Gradually blend in the flour mixture, then mix in the coconut. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Cookies should be about 2 inches apart.

Bake for 9 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven, or until lightly toasted. Cool on wire racks. Once cooled mix up your glaze. Dip each cookie half way in, and then sprinkle coconut on the glazed area.

Texture for this cookie is a slightly crispy edge and soft center, cookies do flatten a bit but taste great! I would love to stay here and chat but I hear meowing and Indigo is nowhere to be seen…


  1. Haha, what a funny post ;)! The coconut cookies are to die for...!!

  2. So funny! I am not a mom, but have two wonderful nephews whom I got to spend all last week with. My nephew did not, repeat, did not run with the cart through the store into a stand full of spaghetti sauce crashing it to the ground. That did not happen!

  3. Great cookies! Surely very addictive.



  4. Crispy edge and soft, chewy center sounds just perfect to me!

  5. Ha Ha!! My kids are all grown so I can laugh now. :) Those cookies look great!

  6. I love coconut so these cookies sound great!

  7. LOVED your post...made me feel so much better! I've been beating myself up lately, because my 3 year old little girl is QUITE the handful--and "attitude"...that's an understatement! Glad to know I'm not alone :) I had to laugh as I was reading, because I've recently started begging my husband and son to be quiet in the morning, as to avoid waking "the beast". Motherhood is great, but sure does have its challenges!!! On a happier note, your cookies look great!!!!!

  8. The cookies look great as always but I want that robot glass! It is awesome!

  9. I am not entirely sure which part of this post made me laugh more...But just in case it makes you feel better. We never get past the dollar bins at Target. And quite frankly, I may be the worst of them!
    And the Housewives part...we won't even go there. ;o)

  10. Cookies look amazing. I just need a good hot cup of coffee and about four of these cookies, and my day will start out good.

    Have a great week.

  11. Oh boy, have I been there many times. Motherhood sure can be challenging at times, but it is also one of the greatest rewards :o)
    Those cookies would be awesome to have around on one of those extra challenging days ;o)

  12. Love anything with coconut! Delicious cookies..

  13. I think any mom can relate to this. I actually like seeing kids having tantrums in Target. It makes me realize I'm not alone when it happens to me. And I have a very feisty little girl ;)

  14. Tempting clicks and looks yummy!

  15. Can I just say that I love the blue alien cup that you have? :)
    (Great photos too!) And all children are like that...I remember giving my parents hell when I was 7 or 8, I'm almost beginning to feel bad about that now :p

  16. Your pictures are always "happy! I love them..
    Really Lovely

  17. These look beautiful and delicious! Although, I would probably dunk the WHOLE cookie in frosting, as it looks that good!

  18. Well I was going to make oatmeal raisin cookies today. Now I've got to try these! I too would dunk the whole cookie in frosting. How did you resist only doing the little corner?!

  19. this was such a great post, i have definitely been there!

    love the cookies, coconut is such a great ingredients in baked good, delicious!

  20. I'm a true coconut addict!!! This is a perfect recipe for meeeeee. Thanks momma!!

  21. You just won over my heart. I have been putting coconut on everything or mixing it in with anything and everything. Definitely need to make these cookies now.


  22. Okay, where did you get that robot glass?! I NEED one.

  23. Ha! I remember those days. Stick to your guns--it gets easier. Mine are 6 and 8 and those sort of challenges are rare these days.

    Your coconut cookies sound AMAZING right now!

  24. Nom nom nom! I would gobble up the whole batch for breakfast right now, if I could. Alas, the fact that I have to fit into a swimsuit this weekend is reminding me that cereal and oatmeal are my only options. Ugh. :(

  25. these look like macaroons but way better. and don't beat yourself up. just don't be 1 of those moms that runs people over with their stroller because they aren't paying attention to their surroundings. cause then we can't be blog friends anymore.

  26. I love, love, love coconut! These cookies look perfect!

  27. Love anything with coconut in it! These look supreme. Love the glass! :)

  28. Tee hee...I remember those days of wondering when my boy was going to do something to embarass me or to get those 'looks' from that he is a teen I try to embarass him in public, you know, it is payback time!!
    We don't have a Target here but when we go to the States I do love the 1$ bins!! I also bought the same plates from these pictures because I thought they would look great on the blog! I was right. The cookies look scrumptious on that plate!

  29. haha! cute post.
    i LOVE coconut... these look awesome.
    your dishes/cups are super cute.

  30. Nice post. I wonder what fatherhood gonna be like someday... But let's not think about that now. I still cannot manage taking care of myself, so don't even think of handling kids. :)
    The cookies look great. love coconut.

  31. Indigo looks and sounds adorably naughty, as do your coconut cookies!

  32. The cookies are wonderful! And I have all but stopped taking my second born child out ANYWHERE...he's a handful! I'm with you...

  33. I will cut you some slack as long as you send me AT LEAST 2 dozen of these cookies. :-)

  34. Yum. The cookies sound so simple and yummy.
    I love it when I see on blogs that we shop at the same place for our dishes for photos. ;) I have the black and red dots.

  35. I started cutting mothers lots of slack in 1976, that's when the first of my 6 children was born!

  36. LOL at your stories...just wait till she starts dating ;) Recipe is printed off...I just can't resist a new coconut cookie...YUM!

  37. Oh my goodness, I can relate 100%! and yummmm on those cookies!

  38. I love coconut cookies and these sound like they have a great texture! I give in to all my nephew's whims and then send him home. Does that make me a good or a bad aunt?

  39. I have a crazy craving for coconut now!

  40. I love the way you dipped half the cookie in the glaze and added a sprinkle of coconut, it's that little touch that make these wonderful cookies so unique:-)

  41. Haha - love this post and most of all, love these cookies.

  42. First time here and love it. The cookies as well as your writing and those cute photos as well.

  43. I blogged about these this morning! SO good (but yours are prettier)!!! I linked back to your post :)
