
Friday, July 8, 2011

Crostini with Salami, Gouda, and Lemon Ricotta

Sometimes I think Target and Trader Joe's must be partners of some sort, partners in sucking all the money out of my bank account. Do you think I can press charges for their thievery?

Can I also presses charges against daughter for stealing sleep?

How about charges against my husband for not cleaning the house right?

Can I press charges against my cats for assault with the meows when I pass by? Or how about that one time when Bella decided the only logical place to cough up a fur ball was the couch - whole house FULL of tile and the couch is the spot? Seriously dude?

How about the workplace? What kind of charges can I press there...How about the parking spots are to dang small charges? I need a can opener some days. Another charge, how about Starbucks is not close enough for me to make it a full 9 hours a day charge?

Well if I can't press charges lets just eat baby, on to the appetizer.

Delightfully borrowed from MUAH
{Printable Recipe}

1 French Baguette, thinly sliced
Olive Oil Spray
Small tub of Ricotta
Zest of 1 Lemon
Salami, sliced thin (I used TJ's Pinot Grigio White Wine Salami)
Gouda Cheese, sliced or cubed (I used TJ's Goats Milk Gouda)


Spray your thinly sliced crostini on each side with your cooking spray. I used Pam Olive Oil Spray. Over a medium high heat, pan-fry the crostini on each side until lightly browned. Set Aside.

In medium sized bowl mix your ricotta and lemon zest. Next comes assembly. I recommend assembly at the last minute, the crostini can soften up with the ricotta mixture.

Assembly goes like this


Have a super weekend!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that looks so good!

  2. Heck I say press charges on all of em! lol jk!!! I wanted to let you know about my cookbook giveaway that is going on right now until July 16th. Stop on by to enter! Hope you are having a great week :)

  3. I'm sure you can work something out! :D Are those cute plates from Target? ;) We don't have a Trader Joe's near I lucked out there...or not!

    On to the appetizers...they look gorgeous! I love to eat stuff like this, I could make a meal out of it!

  4. Yummmmmmmmm this looks great! oh!... nice plate ;)

  5. This is my kind of recipe! Love the assembly line and I also love Gouda on anything!

  6. Yeah, I'd say press charges, especially with the cat. I can totally relate to that and think they do it out of spite. ;) Great yummy appetizer to try! Love it!

  7. Oh I am lovin these appetizers! I am so with you on spending too much money at Target. I wish we had a Trader Joes here, but maybe it's a good thing we don't. Id probaby be broke : /

  8. Awesome pics. I am spend too much money on TJ's too. I love pairing the salami with goat gouda but never thought of adding ricotta and crostini - these are the perfect appetizers (or main course for me)!

  9. Hi Jennifer,

    So glad you stopped by and visited. Please join me on facebook and twitter for updates on my wine posts. I'm just an everyday mom/grammy and enjoy wine. The info is quite basic with the intention of being as informative and simple.

    I'm happy to visit you and am now following you.

    Have a great weekend and hope to chat up again soon.


  10. Wow! Those look delicious. Target is always draining my wallet too. Luckily there is no Trader Joes nearby to suck it completely empty. Have a good weekend!

  11. No Trader Joe's here, but I make up for it in Target. These little snacks look very addictive. Maybe I should just make them for a party so I won't eat them all myself. :)

  12. This looks perfectly delish! LOVE your plates! ;)
    Happy weekend!

  13. No Trader Joe's, but I do give Target and Whole Foods a ton of dough....these would go perfect with a glass or two of wine.

  14. Oh I have some charges to press too! :) These crostini looks super delicious! I love the ingredients :) and oh those plates are just too adorable! Have a great weekend!

  15. oh poor a few more crostini and relax yourself a bit. My cats practice almost the same..they prefer the place behind the sofa.

  16. Oh dear,so many charges, so little time! :)
    I do like the lemon ricotta and also, the way you toasted your crostini. I do mine in the oven. I bet this is faster.

  17. I definitely need to press charges against Whole Foods for being so darn expensive!

  18. A delicious combination! Your tartines look so good. A great appetizer.



  19. I'd love to try these!

    Thank you for the comment on my food photo, of course I'm not as good as you guys with your food blogs :)

  20. Can I press charges of you for making me want to make this delicious dish in my kitchen? :-))))))))

    Btw, I would definitely love to make a birthday cake for Indigo...

  21. This is really going to taste great! I am drooling! I see that you have a lovely collection of recipes!! Shall come back very soon...

  22. Girl! Your blog is awesome and this crostini dish is amazingly beautiful and so well put together. The gouda with the lemon- purely magical! So glad you stopped by my site the other day! Sorry I am just now getting to yours but no worries I will be a regular from now on. Oh and I would follow you but looks like your having same problems I am with GFC- randomly stops showing up!

  23. loving the simplicity! great app
