Sunday, December 4, 2011

Muffins with Apple, Carrot, and Dried Apricots

I'm not sure how it happened, but I was at the grocery store yesterday with a list. No, being there with a list is not the odd part. The odd part is I thought that bringing a list to the grocery store would help me NOT to fill my cart with an extra two tons of things NOT on that list.

Husband if you are reading this it might be time to pick up some overtime since no household can go without a large box of 200 frozen Taquito's, 3 varieties of mega sized cereals, and 4 heads of cauliflower.

I guess at least the cauliflower is a nice and healthy craving, to bad I plan on smothering it with the 2 bottles of buttermilk ranch that fell into my cart. Ooooops.

I would also like to publicly call out the other shopper who felt a need to steal a pregnant woman's cart while she was peeing, yeah buddy good move and lots of karma coming your way.

Other people that need to be called out during my journey to the grocery store? You know I have some.

Indigo, thanks for storing your candy cane in my purse - how nice of you. I will enjoy the random sticky fingers I will have each time I search for my lipstick, credit card, and Tums.

Baby boy in my belly, thanks so much for making me pee 85.9 times per day. Not only do you cause my shopping carts to be stolen but heck, I might start a new blog called "This is what the inside of the women's restroom looks like in every store in the greater San Diego area"...maybe not though.

INGREDIENTS (makes 18)
Delightfully borrowed, slightly altered AllRecipes
{Full Printable Recipe}

2 cups shredded tart apples
1 1/3 cups sugar
1 cup chopped dried apricots
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup vegetable oil


In a large mixing bowl, combine apples and sugar. Gently fold in cranberries, carrots and nuts. Combine dry ingredients; add to mixing bowl. Mix well to moisten dry ingredients.

Combine eggs and oil; stir into apple mixture. Fill 18 greased muffin tins 2/3 full. The batter is extremely thick! Do not worry, muffins are delightful! Bake at 375 degrees F for 17-23 minutes. Cool 5 minutes before removing from tins.

The Verdict = Yummy in my tummy, now I have to go pee so see you later gator.


Unknown said...

Oh I remember thase constant-pee times :) Lovely muffins!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Lovely muffins! I really like the spices.



Laurie {Simply Scratch} said...

Love that there is dried apricots in these! I bet they taste awesome!

Unknown said...

Yum!! That really blows that someone took your cart. It's not like there weren't others. Boo!

Bake-A-Holic said...

I just found a lemon sucker stuck inside my purse. Gotta love little kids.

Delicious Dishings said...

I tend to go overboard at the grocery store too... regardless of whether I have a list.

The muffins sound so good... healthy but loaded with flavorful ingredients.

Jo-Anna@APrettyLife said...

Oh yummy muffin recipe! I was at the grocery store today, and left with basically nothing on my list, but my cart was full! LOL!

Alessandra said...

Ciao Jenni, lovely muffins! So you are expecting??? Congratulations, I haven't been visiting for ages, sorry got so busy and it is difficult to keep up with all the blogs, so thank you so much for visiting, it gave me a chance to come back and learn the wonderful news!

When is baby due?


The Church Cook said...

All the wonderful fruit in one muffin recipe, perfect! Hope you are having a wonderful December with your Indigo, Jennifurla! :)

Unknown said...

Oh good lord. If there is one thing I remember about my pregnancies, it was peeing 1,000 times a day! Ugh! Oh well, that sweet newborn you'll hold soon will be so worth all those bathroom trips!! Loving these muffins Jenn!

Beth said...

Oh yes, the delights of pregnancy. Sorry about your shopping cart. Still, these muffins look great!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

You always crack me up!

Kristen said...

never a dull moment!! i cant believe someone stole your cart.

teresa said...

ah, shopping this time of year really is a joy isn't it. boo to the cart stealer. LOVE the muffins!

Shaheen said...

Ah mama to be - I have to say those muffins look soooo delightful.

tinyskillet said...

You are too funny! I would love a huge box of taquitos in my freezer. my daughter and I were looking at one for 50 I think and she laughed, but I know she really wanted it.!

These muffing look like a meal in itself! Yum!

Pam said...

Wow! There's nothing worse than a cart thief during the holidays, esp. when it's a mommmy-to-be's shopping cart! Those muffins look and sound incredibly delicious and the flowers outside the window, so pretty. No flowers here, only snow flurries!

Val said...

What a cute post and yummy muffins!!! Your pics look amazing.

Michelle said...

LOL - You crack me up, lady! Cauliflower and taquitos - yowza. When I was pregnant with my youngest, I wanted yellow mustard on everything. It's bizarre what they do to us!

I don't miss the zillion and one potty trips, that's for sure! Especially during the night. I remember telling Billy that I was an inch away from bringing back the age of the chamber pot. He said that that was a no-go. :\

Liz said...

These remind me of morning glory muffins, which I love. I haven't made muffins in so long (I'm a little tied up with cookies...) but these sound great for the weekend!

Mary said...

You have reminded me just how glorious it is not to be in the bathroom of every store I visit these days! It is all worth it though. Good luck with that sticky purse. I think Santa might need to bring you a new one, just 'cause.

Treat and Trick said...

Healthy combo and looks gorgeous!

shaz said...

Hi Jennifurla! I haven't been round here in a while, didn't realise you were a mummy to be (again)! COongrats. That's pretty low to steal a shopping trolley...:(

Yummy muffins though.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

These fabulous muffins would almost make me forget about a sticky mess in my purse...almost. Thanks for the giggle this AM :)

scrambledhenfruit said...

Well I hope the handle of the shopping cart was as sticky as the inside of your purse. :) Those muffins look yummy!

Heather Baird said...

These look so delicious!

You're right - the buggy stealer will get his!

pam said...

Love your plates and love the sound of these muffins.

Annie Oakley's Kitchen said...

You are toooo funny! It's nice to be able to take a situation that would send anyone else screaming and turn it into something to humor us. Thanks. The muffins look so tasty. I already love the combination of apples and carrots and think that the apricot is a nice addition.

Marisa Seguin said...

I can't believe that someone stole your cart! Man, people are crazy around the holidays. But these muffins look crazy good!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh peeing. That was the WORST part of pregnancy. At around 6 month my husband and I decided I just wasn't allowed to go anywhere anymore. The unreal number of pee stops was outta control and made EVERYTHING not fun. Oy vey. And who steals shopping carts? You musta had some good stuff in there, they saw no need to shop themselves when apparently someone just did it for them. RUDE still!

Clements Family said...

The joys of pregnancy. I am a huge muffin fan...and these look great!

Jessica | Cajunlicious said...

Lovely muffins and I love all the healthy ingredients!

Pam said...

The grocery store was a dangerous and costly place for me when I was pregnant.

The muffins look delicious!

Gerry @Foodness Gracious said...

Great muffins! But I really had a laugh at your post, Dammn the person who stole that cart, I hope it had a wiggly wheel!!!
Take care.

erica said...

Can I come live with you? You always make the best things! xo

Monet said...

Ah many of my friends are going through it right now. I can only imagine! These muffins look so very good. Thank you for sharing them with me!

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

wow...this looks sooooooooooper delicious..yumm
Tasty Appetite

Unknown said...

Look at your header! It's Gor-Geous!!!!

Have a great weekend!


Kristen said...

Oh the joyful side-effects of motherhood. I am so sorry someone stole your cart. Shame on him!!

So glad that you could delight us with the muffins. They sound so good.

laurie said...


Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Those sound wonderful! Thanks so much for stopping by today!!