
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Baked Toffee Peanut Grahams

Man.... I am beat. So far this weekend has just been filled with activity.

 Being the action packed mom and wife that I am I hit the road running this Saturday morning...we're talking coffee brewing, shower taking, peanut butter and jelly eating...which is what I had accomplished all by the early hour of 8am.  (mostly because I was forced to...Indigo likes to wake me up before the sunrises.)

By 8:30 I had my minion dressed in an adorable outfit, fed, piggy tailed, and sippy cup'd.  Needless to say this is all she requires to be happy so we were golden for a Santa Claus visit.  We packed in my car and made the drive over to where most of us spent our teenage years trying to look cool (where you may ask??), the mall!

At the mall there was barely a line for Santa, in fact we were the 4th people to get to him.  Being that I want my girl to have a super good Santa experience I figured Santa would be fresh & jolly.  Unfortunately I think he might have needed some coffee or illegal narcotics because he was a total flub and BORING.  Basically if this poor excuse for a Santa doesn't bring Indigo the human sized castle she asked for...I will hunt him down and stripe his beard with kool-aid.

Top 3 things that have more energy then the Santa we paid 30 dollars to for crappy sub-par pictures :

Number 3 -most snails
Number 2 - my flat-iron
Number 1 - dirt

Have you also noticed the quality of Santa Pics and School Pics are just terrible?  I was telling my hubby that back in the day, those two pictures were the pinnacle of pictures we not so much.

How did we spend the rest of our day.  I can sum it up for you.

1.  Eloise, Little Miss Christmas
2.  The Grinch who stole Christmas
3.  Extreme Couponing  (I needed a break, and Indy needed a nap)
4.  The Little Mermaid
5.  The Ant Bully

Obviously I am not a mother against using the TV as a babysitter.  Feel free to un-follow please don't, It's Christmas time for heaven sakes.

Delightfully borrowed from tasteofhome
{FULL Printable Recipe}

12 Whole Graham Crackers
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup packed Light Brown Sugar
1/2 cup chopped Butter Toffee Peanuts


Line a 15-in. x 10-in. x 1-in. baking pan with heavy-duty foil. Break the graham crackers at indentations; place in a single layer in pan.

In a small saucepan, combine butter and brown sugar. Bring to a rolling boil over medium heat; boil for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat; add nuts. Pour over crackers. Try to spread it out evenly.

Bake at 350° for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Let stand for 2-3 minutes. Remove to a wire rack to cool.

Now these little cheap wonders are a fab addition to your Christmas Cookie delight boxes that you plan on handing out to the neighbors. Give them a shot.


  1. Yum! Frickin' yum. I could scoop up soft vanilla ice cream with those. Crap, just gained 3 lbs thinking that thought.

  2. Yeah, I'm with Chris... these look like they would be incredible with some vanilla ice cream! And perfectly pretty with the red ribbon :-)

  3. Mmmhhh, what an irresistible treat! It makes a great gift.



  4. Oooooh now were talkin'! This looks and sounds like all kinds oh deliciousness!

  5. Yum yum yum! Looks like a great recipe!
    Isn't it so funny how those school photos and Santa pics were SO amazing at the time! Now I don't even send out school pics because they're so awful! Too funny!

  6. Those santas just aren't what they used to be! Those graham treats sure do look good though- love the butter toffee peanuts on them! :)

  7. Wow! Awesome idea. I want this for breakfast with my coffee right now :)

  8. Mmm, I love toffee. These look delish!

  9. Sorry to hear about the bah humbug santa! I'm sure you're find a good jolly holly one soon! Also, liking the 'strive to excel'...I strive to be able to use excel!
    Toffee and peanut is yum too, I bet these snap and melt in the mouth very well :)

  10. This looks like a great last-minute edible gift to make!

  11. I know these are so good...I always make these with club crackers and pecans.

  12. Sounds incredibly decadent. And so simple. Great gift idea too. We don't have graham crackers here, going to have to experiment to see what works.

  13. Aaahhh.. the joys of the holidays!! lol
    The Toffee looks incredibly good! Wish I had some right now!!!! mmmmmmmm!!

  14. Wow, that toffee looks amazing! Yum!

  15. I love Taste of Home. And it's a shame the Santa wasn't the real Santa like in Miracle on 34th street. Maybe next year!

  16. This stuff looks amazing! And your post was so funny :) Too bad Santa was a dud!

  17. Where have those grahams been hiding all of my life?! What a wonderful treat for the season.

    Santa photos are definitely over-rated. When my sons were young, they were afraid of him, so it wasn't until the youngest were about 5 that we finally got one good one. By then, we had ALL had enough.

  18. Yum, yum and double yum! And even better made with graham crackers!

  19. Oh Jenn these sound wonderful! Bookmarking now!!

  20. i just love your writing.
    these grahams will make the perfect gifts this year! thank you!

  21. anything that makes life easier works for me :)

  22. That was one busy day! I can't believe their's only 4 ingredients in this one! That's awesome!

  23. You always find some seriously fabulous recipes. I am definitely giving this one a try! xo

  24. These are so simple and they look SO good! My kids are home, they homeschool, and they just asked me to make these!

  25. Can I pretty please have the entire tin?

  26. well don't these 4 ingredient bars look delightful!

    what the heck is wrong with santa! that fellow needs to step up his game

  27. yeah, santa needs to bring his A-game, he hasn't been impressing us either.

    these however, are impressive! i'd watch these in front of a christmas special marathon anyday!

  28. Boo on boring Santa and $30? Wow.
    Your tasty treat looks pretty amazing though!!!

  29. this toffee peanut grahams is really good with coffee...hmmm I am smelling it now.
    I love this recipe

  30. These are such a great idea for a sweet bite! First time at your blog, you have some very tasty recipes here!

  31. This looks absolutely wonderful! Toffee + Peanut = win in my book.

  32. Thank you for following my blog. I followed back! See you soon!

  33. Santa could SO totally drop a tin of these down my chimney! They look scrumptious!

  34. I have always wanted to make this type of toffee...not sure why I haven't. Maybe I'll add it ot my Christmas tins!
