
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cinnamon & Vanilla Marshmallows

I would like to announce that I received the trifecta of wonderful present combinationess. I would also like to announce that I LOVE to make up words.

I received the following :

1. Kitchen Aid Mixer - To make wonderfully calorie ridden food.

2. P90x2 - To work off all the wonderfully made calorie ridden food.

3. Armani Code Perfume - To make me smell wonderful while doing either of the above.

Now the P90x2 will have to wait until after baby Gage/Silas/Soren/Max/Archer arrives...

Yes, picking a name is not getting anywhere so far. The Kitchen Aid Mixer was put right to use though...I knew what I was making before I ever opened the box that had a tag on it that gave away it's contents.

Not that I looked at the tag or before Christmas...I have morals people!!

Delightfully borrowed, slight modified from Brownie Point
{FULL Printable Recipe}

4 Gelatin Envelopes
3/4 cup Water
1 tbs Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

3 cups Sugar
3/4 cup Water
1 1/4 cups Corn Syrup
1/2 tsp Salt

Powdered Sugar for dusting
Parchment paper
Non-Stick Cooking Spray


Line a 9x13pan and a loaf pan with parchment paper. Spray the paper with non-stick spray.

Fit a stand mixer with the whisk attachment. In the mixer bowl combine the first ¾ cup of water with vanilla extract. Sprinkle the gelatin over the liquid to soften, add the cinnamon.

Add the sugar, salt, corn syrup, and remaining ¾ cup water to a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil without stirring over a medium-high heat. When this mixture is at a boil,let it go without stirring until it reaches the soft-ball stage (234-240 F)Be sure to watch that it does not boil over, simply reduce heat a little if it reaches near the top.

With the mixer at medium speed, pour all of the hot syrup slowly down the side of the bowl into the gelatin mixture. Be careful as you pour. When all of the syrup is added, bring the mixer up to full speed. Let it go for 8-10 minutes.

Pour marshmallow into the parchment-lined pan and smooth the top if necessary (make sure your tool is oiled). Allow the mixture to sit, uncovered at room temperature for 12 hours.

When ready, coat the top of your pan with sifted powdered sugar. Flip the Marshmallows out on to a piece of parchment paper. If you have trouble getting it out, just pull the sides away from the pan - This should help to release the Marshmallows. Cut into squares with a pizza cutter, coat with powdered sugar.

Enjoy in a nice cup of Joe, or bribe your children with them...your choice


  1. So funny... I made marshmallows last night and we're just about to cut them now :) Yours look so pretty. xo

  2. Wow, awesome gifts! I received the same KA 2 years ago...

    Those marshmallows look wonderful!

    Best wishes for 2012!



  3. These marshmallows are gorgeous! I can just taste them!! (and YAY for a new KitchenAid mixer!!)

  4. This is at the top of my wedding registry list!

  5. Your marshmallows look fantastic! I love the photo with the pan and sifter - beautiful! Great gifts, too!

  6. I've never made homemade marshmallows, but these look amazing1 Your life will never be the same with your new Kitchen Aid Mixer! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

  7. These look fantastic!! When do you add the cinnamon?

  8. Look at that beautiful red machine!!!!

  9. These look sooo yummy! And we have the same color mixer!!!!

  10. Kelly - Thanks for the catch! I totally missed the cinnamon, I have added it now. Thanks.

  11. How an amazing and simple recipe :) I never made marshmallow at home so i just might try this :) Hope you are having a great holiday season :) Best wishes from Croatia :)

  12. My sister is out of town until the middle of February, so I went and stole her P90x. Scared and excited all at the same time. And YAY for KitchenAid! I have a bit of a thing for cinnamon and these sound amazing!

  13. jealous of your red mixer and also of the fact that you can make your own marshmallows. period.

  14. you make it sound so easy! these look like pieces of heaven. who knew picking a baby name was harder than making marshmallows!!

  15. I've always wanted to make homemade marshmallows. Yours look gorgeous! Hope you have a fantastic New Year Jenn!

  16. wonderful gifts! kitchenaides are the best, it will last your entire life and you'll use it all the time. love the mallows!

  17. She's a beauty! Something you will use a zillion times and each time think how much you like it :)

    Happy New Year!

  18. LOVE your beautiful red KA mixer! What a score!!!! And your marshmallows look fabulous!

  19. First, if I read this right...You are expecting. That is awesome! Congratulations to you in advance, I am smiling-I am working on getting my children out of the house, and you are bringing them home :-)

    Your KItchen Aid mixer is going to last you a lifetime. Should I admit that I received one for my college graduation? I still have it, and it still rocks.

    Would you mind if i used your photo ( #3 the one after Armani perfume) for my Wordless Wednesday post? It's a really nice photo and reflects the season. Of course, you will get credit for the photo and a link back to your blog.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.


  20. Your marshmallows are beautiful, and I love the vanilla-cinnamon combination.:) I'm so jealous of your mixer- it's my favorite mixer color! My problem is that I already have a KitchenAid that's over twenty years old and still going strong so I can't justify a new one just yet. Sigh. Happy New Year! :)

  21. oh I really need to make some of these they look DELICIOUS!

  22. Oooh how fun! I got a Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas too, and I love love love it =)

  23. wow.........they look DELICIOUS!and I just love it


  24. All I got was a rock.....(oh wait, that's Halloween)

    Have fun with that mixer!

  25. Yay to a Kitchen Aid!! What a great gift!! Now.. on another note... I really need to make me some of these! What a great idea for cocoa!!
