
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Pudding Frosting

Sometimes we settle into routines.  We get used to doing things a certain way or we all of a sudden forget the our 3 1/2 year old is just that, 3 1/2.  You get into a routine, the little munchkin is fully trusted and you begin to well....slack off on watching them like a hawk 24x7.  Instead you focus on things like staring at your skin in the mirror wondering why the 200 dollars worth of creams you bought arn't doing jack.

Above my friends is what I like to refer to as "The reason why your white fireplace is now painted black."

Being the fantastic interior designer that I am I decided that I would go thrift shopping for artwork (for the wee ones room).  I found the perfect painting with little birdies on a wire, it just needed a new frame.  Well getting something framed is not cheap, so I decided to buy some black paint to re-do the frame myself.

Easy Peasy right?

Why yes, yes it was actually.  After of course I physically was able to force that painting back in the frame without breaking the billionth of a centimeter glass that whomever created this painting decided to use.  Not to mention the 18,000 staples that were 18,000 years old that had to be bent then re-bent to try and keep my 5 dollar painting intact.

So I painted it, I put it back together...and then it happened.  Despite the fact that I had instructed my little girl to NOT touch the black paint...she did.  Infact she touched the paint and then decided to massage said paint all over our white wood fireplace.  I had settled into the "my child is perfect routine."  This is always the routine ends up being turned into, "The reason why your white fireplace is now painted black routine."

Lesson learned, until it happens T-minus 5,4,3,2.....

Delightfully borrowed, slightly modified from The little Kitchen
{Printable Recipe}

Chocolate Cake
1 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup baking cocoa
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 large eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup black strong coffee
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Pudding Frosting
1 cup milk
1 3.4 oz box of instant vanilla pudding
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
8 oz tub of Cool Whip, softened
1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar, sifted


DIRECTIONS - Chocolate Cake

Grease (2) 9 inch round pans and line the bottom of the pans with parchment paper cut to size.

In a mixing bowl, sift all dry ingredients together. Then take a rubber spatula and thoroughly mix the dry ingredients together.

Mix in all of the wet ingredients and mix with your stand mixer until well blended but don't over mix. Pour evenly between pans and bake at 350 degrees for 28-30 minutes or until after inserting a toothpick into the center of a cake comes out clean.

DIRECTIONS - Pudding Frosting

Mix vanilla pudding mix with milk in one bowl, using an electric mixer, until pudding sets. In another bowl whip up cream cheese using an electric mixer. Add cool whip to the cream cheese and mix together well.

Add vanilla pudding to the cream cheese-cool whip mixer and mix together well.  Mix in the  sifted powdered sugar.

Cake should be stored in the refrigerator for 1 hour before serving, and should be stored in the refrigerator between grazing's.


  1. Oh girl! I have totally been in that scenario. We actually had about a cup of green glitter "sparkled" all over our house last week. I'm still finding glitter on everything. I wish I had that cake last week :)

  2. Oh, no... Little Indigo has done what most little ones do in some manner or another. My 3 year old grandson recently painted the inside of his parents new (to them) van with nail polish. Only difference is that my daughter didn't bake a beautiful cake like yours. I hope you ate the whole thing yourself. You deserved to :)

  3. Thank you for making me smile! Your little girl is so cute, even after the fireplace is not white anymore... :)

  4. I hate routine, but unfortunately it isn't always easy to break free from it especially if you have no other option....

    That cake is splendid!



  5. I also have a routine but I often do some other things to change it a little bit, you cake looks simply divine full of flavor and perfect to indulge with

  6. Beautiful and scrumptious looking cake!

  7. i want that right now..awesome cake

  8. LOL.. love little Indigo stories!!
    Ok.. how can you go wrong with a chocolate cake with PUDDING frosting?? YUM!

  9. Oh man...that is not good about your fireplace!
    But his cake...YUM!!!

  10. Oh Lordy! I hope the fireplace looks good black. As for the cake, it looks absolutely heavenly! I'm pinning it :)

  11. And I thought crayon on the wall was bad! The cake looks delicious. I love all the layers. The pudding frosting is very intriguing. Yum!

  12. Uh time my son stamped his sesame street stamps all over the walls...a little elbow grease took care of it. Sorry about your fireplace! That cake looks fantastic, though!

  13. Oh. my. goodness. This looks amazing!!

  14. oh my gosh this cake look amazing!! seriously so so good and i love a cake with thin cake layers and lots of frosting, yum!

  15. Oh dear....come to momma. I adore this greatness.

  16. Oh no! Well, at least you had this cake (which is actually a lovely black and white combo) to help de-stress a bit.

    This cake looks Amazing!!

  17. I am smiling, smiling and smilung...Yes, the joys of a toddler...Not to mention the joys of the DYI project. You have survived them well.

    Cheers to you!!!

    btw, the cake, oh the cake, its stunning.


  18. This looks delicious!
    I so need this cake right now.
    As in...this very second.
    All things are fixed by chocolate.

    Jenn~ Thanks so much for your kind words and compassionate encouragement.
    It really meant a lot to me and I WILL be checking back in with you at the end of the week.
    Go get a drawer done!


  19. Oh boy does that look decadent Jen! What a delicious looking cake. Wonderful recipe! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Oh that cake looks amazing! I think the more layers, the better, mainly because you get more frosting :)

  21. ohmy! The joys of having a little one around. There is never a dull moment. :)

    That cake would make me forget all about the newly painted fireplace. It would be dangerous to have that around my house right now. It looks amazing!

  22. Oh, yeah...this cake would take my mind off of black hand prints, black finger prints and a smudged frame. She'll be thrilled you have ever antic documented on your blog :) Good work, mama.

  23. I would need a slice (or two!) of this after that fingerpainting madness! I've never tried pudding in a frosting before...but I love the idea of it!

  24. I am starting to get used to these things around the house too :) guess it goes with having a toddler around... I need cake at times like this! And I bet this cake made things better - that looks really, really good :)

  25. I have come to believe that routine is better than unexpected bad surprises! The cake looks awesome!

  26. Oh my word, just reading about that whole scene, my heart was in my mouth! Well, you handled it beautifully, I am not sure I would have!

    Great cake too.

  27. Hopefully her daddy shares her mother's sensibilities. The cake is sure to sweeten his disposition. It looks fabulous and sounds delicious. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  28. I just want to eat that frosting it sounds amazing. Very chic cake! xo

  29. oh no! we've definitely learned those kinds of life lessons. it's why my walls look like they had a really splotchy white spray tan. long story.

    LOVE the cake though. and the quote above it so true.

  30. Black is This cake looks amazing. I want a piece now!:)

  31. You certainly have a way with the baked goods, Miss Lady. And that cute little painted fingernail!!! Adorable.

  32. Girl, I've got to try that frosting! What a fantastic idea.

  33. Oh. My. Goodness! I would eat this whole cake by myself! Mmmmmmm!

  34. Those are the days when you want to totally drown yourself in a BIG slice of this gorgeous cake!!

  35. Well at least her indiscretion goes perfectly with the white and black cake :)

  36. you deserve to eat the whole cake!!!

  37. oh wow..and pudding frosting!! yum...i am going to try this...
    I am our newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  38. Wow, this cake looks amazing and will make all things better!
    I bet your fireplace looks great! Black is in:)

  39. I love the cake! It looks really good. I'll definitely will make this. My mom and granny will be really happy.

    Haley McAdams
    Food Safety Certification
