
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thirty Nine Weeks

Today I have made cereal and apple juice, it's time for a nap.  Not really...It's time for a nap but I'm sure everyone with a little one knows that the moment you close your eyes for 5 seconds is the moment you end up with a Van Gogh rendering on your walls...or floors..not that Indigo has ever ever done that...

I'm just putting this out there to the universe so I have to do it....I will make a tart today, I will make a tart today...I will take pictures before I eat it.


  1. Bless your heart. I am saying, DON'T make a tart...go rest your sweet little head and take care of yourself! You look fabulous btw!

  2. You're so close! Take care of yourself, and take a nap whenever you can.

  3. You look stunning!

    Take care and relax.



  4. You look just magnificent....just chill and do as little as possible. Such an exciting time! The best!

  5. Went to a baby shower yesterday . . . thought of you. Take a nap.

  6. Hang in there hot mama! You're looking great!

  7. Would making a tart constitute for nesting? :) That is one cute prego belly :)

  8. You look amazing. I'm so happy for you.

  9. I'm with many of the others - you look fabulous!

  10. Too funny! Thank you Crayola for inventing wipe off pens/markers/crayons and anything else that my 2 year old will use to tag my house :)
    Take care!!!!

  11. Oh my look fabulous! So exciting that you will be holding your new baby in your arms at any time!

  12. You are beautiful!! Relax and enjoy the tart.

  13. Jen.. don't take this the wrong way, but you look like a pencil with a wad of gum stuck to it!! You are so slim!! Goodness girl.. how do you do it?? I know you eat so I know you aren't starving yourself :) (i mean no disrespect here at all, i swear) Goodness, I want your diet plan!! lol
    In all seriousness.. you look great and I cannot believe you are so close to the big day. It feels like just yesterday when you said you were pregnant!! Take care of you!

  14. You are beautiful :) Enjoy this time in your life!

    If you really want that tart, send your husband out to buy you one and go put up your feet while you wait! :)

  15. Oh my goodness you are getting so close! You are the cutest thing EVER!!! I am so excited to "meet" this new little one. xoxo P.S. You totally don't need to make a tart. You're making a HUMAN.

  16. You look great! Once when my son was three and sleeping, I took a quick nap (or should I say passed out). When I woke up, my undies were strewn throughout my He had woken up and gone through my drawers:)
