
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lemon Tart

I don't want to brag or anything, but I made this tart while dilating from 1 centimeter to 9 1/2 centimeters.  I told you I would, and I totally did.  Let me also tell you that coming home from the hospital to a nice lemony tart to snack on = HEAVEN.

So basically the last 9 days or so have consisted of me ravenously working my way through this tart and the pantry...and let me tell you, we stocked that thing full of healthy foods. Yes my nose is growing...along with my butt.

Speaking of butts, I'm not calling her a butt ....but Indigo cannot sit down for 5 seconds at this point and I think that the reason could weigh in at a lofty 8 1/2 pounds, been born 9 days ago, and call himself Desmond aka Mr. Squeak.


Yes I am the mom that thought my kid would be different and behave perfectly. Yes I am the mom who has to eat her words.

Wait - forget about eating my words, I'm going for another slice of tart. 

Delightfully borrowed from Simply Recipes

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick, or 1/4 pound) unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
Lemon curd:
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup cream
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest


Combine flour, salt, butter, and sugar in a bowl. Use a potato masher to cut the butter into the flour until the dough forms flaky crumbs and lumps or just mix with your fingers. With a wooden spoon, mix in the egg, almond extract, and lemon juice. Continue to mix until the dough clumps. Shape into a ball, flatten into a disk, wrap in plastic, refrigerate at least an hour.

Pre-Heat oven to 350. Let the dough sit at temperature for at least 10-15 minutes.  Roll out the disk between two sheets of parchment paper (or wax paper), to a circle 2 inches larger in diameter than your tart pan.

Press the dough into the tart pan. Use your rolling pin to level the dough along the edges of the pan. Place aluminum foil over the foil and gently mold it to the dough in the pan. Add pie weights or dried beans into foil lined tart pan  Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.

DIRECTIONS Lemon curd:

Melt butter and cream together over a double boiler, stirring to combine. Remove top pan from heat and set aside.

In a bowl over a double boiler, whisk the eggs and egg yolks just long enough to warm them. Remove from heat and beat in the butter mixture, then the lemon juice. Strain the mixture through a sieve into a clean bowl and place over the simmering water. Add the sugar and zest and whisk until warm.

Pour the lemon curd into the crust and bake at 350°F for 25 minutes or until set in the middle. Let cool on a rack. Chill in the refrigerator.


  1. Yum - Looks great! Perfect nourishing food if you ask me! When do we get to see pics of the little Desmond? :)

  2. Lemons are fruit- just sayin'. Gotta keep up your strength, you know. :)

  3. So you got the tart made! Impressive :D I think you need the sugar to keep you going the first few months :) more power to you! :D Hugs

  4. I love baking tarts! This one looks exceptionally nice.

  5. A delightful tart! I love the flowers in bloom in the background.



  6. I cannot believe you made this tart so close to giving birth. You are a ROCKSTAR!

  7. Congratulations!! That tart looks fantastic!

  8. Oh this looks fabulous!! Lemon tarts are one of my all time favorite desserts!

  9. Yay you~A tart and a baby! CONGRATS!!!

  10. You earned a BIG 10 on this one girl! Congratulations on your new little guy, the fact that Indigo is normal, for planning treats for after you delivery, and blogging with a nine day old baby. Take a break now, please. You are amazing!!!!! Happy Easter too.

  11. I smiled when I saw that beautiful tart (great minds think alike...) and then smiled more when I read about your new addition! Congratulation!

  12. I am your newest follower! I had pinned a Dr Pepper pulled pork recipe from you. I just read the post! What a blessing that you became a Christian! I am really going to enjoy reading your blog! I hope you will stop by mine. I just started it two days ago. :)

    Ruth 2:12


    P.S. Lemon Tart looks amazing!

  13. What a nice and delicious surprise when you get home with the baby! I may have to bake something tasty up so I can arrive home from the hospital and find a yummy dessert waiting for me (and each day after).

  14. Wow...congrats on baking while dilating!! That's quite a commitment!
    Congrats on the new little bundle of joy!!

  15. I love anything lemon so I will definitely be giving this a try!xo

  16. I'm convinced you are super woman!!!!

  17. You made a tart while dilated. If I have a slight headache, I'm hiding in bed. I'm such a wuss ;)
