
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stuffing with a side of Stuff

Oh yeah baby, nothing better than 2 days spent laying in bed watching movies and dvr’d programming…

Oh wait…unless that 2 days was spent with a trash basket…that you needed….since you could barely hold down water.

Yes I realize it is disgusting to share this info on a food blog, but hey this my life.

Did I also mention that my turkey was crap this thanksgiving. If you have to put the bird back in the oven…no less than 2 times…yeah major fail

After I cried over that . . . or at least drank a glass of wine…or two, I got to at least bask in the glory of my side dishes.

This dish was delightfully borrowed from a blog I frequently steal from : Simply Recipes

Yes if you look in that picture you can see my legs! Like an artist I shoot the ingredients…


• 1 loaf of day old French bread, cut into 3/4-inch cubes (about 10-12 cups)
• 1 cup walnuts, chopped
• 2 cups each, chopped onion and celery
• 6 Tbsp butter
• 1 green apple, peeled, cored, minced
• 3/4 cup of currants or raisins
• 10 chopped green olives
• 2 cups chicken stock
• 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
• 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning or ground sage (to taste)
• Salt and freshly ground pepper (to taste)


Toast the walnuts by heating them in a frying pan on medium high heat for a few minutes, stirring until they are slightly browned – you can smell them roasting. Set them aside…maybe taste a few

Heat a large sauté pan on medium heat. Melt 3 Tbsp butter in the pan, add the bread cubes, and stir to coat the bread pieces with the melted butter. Then let them toast; only turn them when they have become a little browned on a side.

Did I mention I was watching Hostel 2 while cooking this, sick girl that I am.

In a large Dutch oven, sauté chopped onions and celery on medium high heat with the remaining 3 Tbsp butter until cooked through, about 5-10 minutes. Add the bread. Add cooked chopped walnuts. Add chopped green apple, currants, raisins, olives, parsley. Add one cup of the stock from cooking the turkey giblets or chicken stock (enough to keep the stuffing moist while you are cooking it). Add sage, poultry seasoning, salt & pepper.

Cover. Turn heat to low. Cook for an hour or until the apples are cooked through. Check every ten minutes or so and add water or stock as needed while cooking to keep the stuffing moist and keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

It was lovely!


  1. Nice stuffing! That is something I really like. Going to make English onion & sage stuffing (family classic) for Xmas.



  2. Glad you are feeling some better. To bad about your least you had some good looking dressing.

  3. aw, so sorry you were so sick, not fun! but this stuffing sounds wonderful, so comforting!

  4. Stuffing is my favourite part of the turkey! Actually, I only eat the skin. Hope that didn't make you grab your wastebasket again.
    I'm sick too with strep throat, so have been living on liquids. Boring! Unless I get into the rum...

  5. Your stuffing looks fantastic! We had a tough time with our turkey this year too. It happens to the best of us I guess :) Glad you're feeling better!

  6. Looks very tasty! I just made some stuffing tonight but it was a very simple stuffing compared to yours!

  7. EVERYONE is getting this illness! My husband still isn't feeling quite right from a few days ago!

    Nevertheless - this stuffing is awesome!

    You are a true art'est! I loved the leg shot...Hostel..never seen...not sure I could take it the whimp that I am!

  8. sorry to hear about your turkey. i totally messed up the gravy and then threw it out and pretended like i didn't even try to make it. gravy? what gravy? no one told me to make gravy!

    being sick is for the birds.

  9. Sounds and looks incredibly tasty!

  10. I am sorry you were sick...and you had a bad turkey:) but this stuffing looks AMAZING!!

  11. So sorry to hear that you have been sick. It's no fun to be the sick mom. Even worse? I am sorry about your turkey. However, there is always next year...and maybe a ham instead? ;-)

  12. Looks delicious! Sorry you aren't feeling well...hope you are feeling better very soon!!

  13. looks quite yummy..i haven't had a stuffed turkey yet.. hope I'l some day.. love ur blog here.. so nice! following u..

  14. You poor thing - hope you are feeling much, much better now.

    I think the sides are the most important part of the meal anyway - your stuffing looks georgous.

  15. I'm on stuffing duty this year for Christmas, so I've been searching around for just the right recipe. This is right up my alley! It looks delicious and full of flavor. Thanks for sharing. Also, I’m having a cookies and cookbook giveaway today that you should enter!

  16. I feel for you. I was holding back my daughters hair all last week as she carried around her bucket like a purse...found out it was the raw egg in the cookie much for licking the spoon! Glad you are feeling better and I am bookmarling your stuffing!

  17. No fun being sick~Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hostel 2....Really! Lol! I'm such a baby when it comes to movies such as Hostel. Just can't watch them.

  18. This could not look and sound more delicious (and I'm not even into stuffing).

  19. I am sorry you had the stomach flu - it's the WORST!!! The stuffing looks and sounds wonderful... adding green olives is a great idea.

  20. Oh man what a time to be sick! I feel for you. I hate being sick like that.

  21. Oh man, at first I was thinking you were really enjoying yourself and the TV. Sorry to hear you were sick. Hope you're feeling better.

    The stuffing looks killer. Love your kitchen window with all the flowers. Mine is full of snow.

  22. This post cracked me up...the turkey? Nothing a glass of wine can't fix! Sorry to hear you're not feeling least you had some time to catch up on DVR :)

  23. Awww, poo. I hope you're feeling better soon. I just saw this quiche and immediately thought of you!

    Take care,

  24. Oh sweet woman...I am feeling for you. There is nothing worse than a stomach bug. I hope you are feeling much better by the time you read this. Your stuffing looks great (and all I usually care about are the sides). Thank you so much for sharing, dear friend. I hope you have a wonderful and healthy Thursday!

  25. Always see the bright side of things in less successful circumstances, just like what you did :-)

    Hope you get well soon!

  26. I always use the same stuffing recipe, but your's look delicious! I like the use of french bread! Hope your feeling better!
