
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chorizo Rice with Black Beans

I love so many blogs! I thought that every couple of weeks, when I get a wild hair and that same night copy one of your recipes - I should share it here, along with the reasons I love that particular blog.

So my first Installment of Jennifer LURVES this blog so much is
Jenn’s Food Journey

I have to tell you, if my husband could have another blogger cook for him…Jenn would win his affections. She is a master of proteins and sauces and my husband mostly has to beg for such things. Luckily we live in different states! Ha

Jenn is inventive and has great recipes. She is a great blogger and follower, she always takes the time to comment over here in the Spectrum too.

I came across this recipe for her Chorizo rice and went to the store that night. My family enjoyed this for several days & it's a great side or main dish.

Thanks Jenn!

INGREDIENTS (only just a wee bit adapted)

1 teaspoon olive oil
1 jalapeno pepper, minced
1 red bell pepper, stem removed, seeded, and chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
Salt and Pepper
3/4 lb Mexican Chorizo (find this at your meat counter)
3 cups cooked rice
1 can of black beans, rinsed
3 green onions, chopped
2 Tablespoons sour cream
Cojita Cheese

PS. Buy a full pound of chorizo and enjoy the leftovers with some scrambled eggs, or have some Mexican Biscuits and Gravy.


Preheat oven to 375. Spray a small baking dish with non-stick spray.

In a non stick skillet, over medium heat, add the olive oil. Add the jalapeno and red pepper and let cook about 3 minutes, add green onion, season with salt and pepper. Add the garlic & black beans - cook for 30 seconds.

Now add the chorizo, breaking it up with a wooden spoon, and cook until cooked through, about 7-9 minutes. Remove from heat and toss with rice. Stir in sour cream. Top with Cojita Cheese. Pour into prepared pan and place in oven. Let cook 10 minutes.

My family enjoyed this topped with a diced Avocado & Extra Sour Cream…OK and maybe some more cheese too…I am useless against the power of cheese.

Visit Jenn and her fabulous blog.


  1. yum! Definitely adding this to my list of things to try!

  2. mmm, this looks amazing! so full of deliciousness...


  3. That rice dish looks mouthwatering! Chorizo is so scrummy.



  4. Looks delicious, but then again, anything topped with sour cream and avocados looks good to me! :)

  5. This sounds fantastic! ps.. I have those same towels!.. You know great minds shop alike!! :)

  6. Yum! That looks so good! I must make this!!!

  7. I love so many blogs too! Its amazing how many great ones are out there! This looks delish! Thanks for sharing : )

  8. I've been really inspired lately by so many different food blogs. I feel as if my blog has some new energy using these inspirations!

  9. I love this idea!! I have a massive stack of bloggers recipes I've printed and I've thought of reposting cuz I usually end up changing something-then linking back like you've done:) This dish sounds very flavorful and looks yummy:)

  10. Thanks for introducing me to this great blog! I have a ton of chorizo in my freezer because my roommate mentioned to her mom once that she liked it and now everytime her mom visits she brings us chorizo haha

  11. you had me at chorizo and blackbeans but then made the deal sweeter when you said cojita and sour cream!! NOM!

  12. Holy of my favorites! Those perfect avocados on top are calling my name! Comfort in a bowl :)

  13. Wow, that would be a perfect main dish for me. These are the kinds of dinners I crave. Love the chorizo.

  14. This looks fantastic. love chorizo and anything topped with avocado is a winner.
    I love Jenn's blog too. Luckily she lives and you live across the ocean, otherwise I'll be coming over for dinner often. :)

  15. This is a wonderful dish for a simple family supper. It sounds delicious and my gang would devour it in minutes. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  16. what a great idea! i feel the same way about so many blogs, including yours! :)

    this looks so good, i've never cooked with chorizo before, but i really want to!

  17. Yum! this is kind of like a mexican fried rice, yes? :)

  18. Perfect for my family here in Texas. Great recipe.

    Plan B

  19. Yum, I love chorizo and this looks delicious! I also love chorizo and scrambled boyfriend's mom makes it and serves it with fresh homemade tortillas.

  20. Did you say chorizo? Ok, I am happy! :) Great looking recipe, Jennifurla.

  21. Awwwhhh....Thank you so much Jen! I'm truly honored by your kind words!
    I love the changes you made to this dish...especially the avocado!! Now I must go make some more so that I can have it this way!! YUM!

  22. What a great post. Not only do you share a great recipe with me...but a great blogger too! I just bought some lovely avocados at the store...this would be perfect to serve them with. Thank you for sharing, my friend!

  23. Yes, Jenn is cool!

    This Chorizo rice is a healthy meal that has been cooked with passion and health in mind. I am sure your husband loves it :-)

  24. This one is another keeper! Love me some chorizo!

  25. I wanted a new rice dish and I think this just might be it! Looks divine!


  26. It took me by surprise how addicted I became to Foodie bloggers way before I started my much talent and creativity out there.

    Speaking of T& are right up there the comfort and joy that is revealed from your dish and photos...especially the one outdoors ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  27. Ok this sounds so great. I love the flavor combinations!

  28. Oh, those big chunks of avocado and that creamy sour cream, and the warm rice and sausage... mmm! You've got me thinking summer with this beautiful dish, Jen. I love it!

  29. Chorizo is my new favorite ingredient. This looks fabulous as an addition to taco night.

  30. That is insanely delicious - I love chorizo and everything else in here! I would happily eat this for days!

  31. Thanks so much for visiting my blog...I love your blog too! And my chorizo-loving hubby would love this yummy rice!! He loves to buy lean chorizo at Whole Foods, so saving this for next time he brings some home!!

  32. What a great combination of flavors. And I bet this reheats nicely too. We love beans and rice.

  33. You had me at "chorizo"! Love this combination and definitely thanks for the inspiration!

  34. besides the mouthwatering dish, did I ever tell you how fond I am of your photography?! you have a great eye.

  35. Thank you for introducing Jenn's Food Journey. This chorizo rice is a meal all its own. Luv that you used Cotija cheese - this is good stuff!

  36. Ooh, I love chorizo. Not sure if I've ever had mexican chorizo though. The whole dish sounds delicious.

    Also, loved your wordless wednesday post with Indigo and the cupcake, too cute!

  37. yum~~~~~~~~~~ i really want some right now!
