
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sticky Chocolate Icing Cupcakes

Let’s see, what are some things that happened in my neck of the woods over the weekend?

1. I cleaned our shower with Mr.Clean Magic Erasers…might have carpel tunnel at this point. Why are showers such disgusting beasts!

2. Panicked when I was 2 glasses deep into my wine and heard Indigo start to cry…at about 1030pm….I don’t do good with middle of the night wakings! Good thing it was just a random cry, put me in bed in less than 10 seconds though.

pssst....could it be my child doesn't care for wine??? *heart beats*

3. Watched Inception and understood it, oh yeah look at me I’m so smart. No - but really, totally enjoyed it & recommend it.

4. Baked cupcakes

Which one do you want to see pictures of? If you answered number 1 you might have fetish that is not happening on this blog.

Either way here are the goods. Delightfully borrowed from P-dub.


• 2 cups Cake Flour
• 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
• ¾ teaspoons Salt
• ½ cups Unsalted Butter, Softened
• 1 cup Sugar
• 3 whole Eggs Room Temperature
• 2 teaspoons Vanilla
• ¾ cups (plus A Tad More) Whole Milk
• _____
• ¾ cups Sweetened, Condensed Milk
• 6 ounces, weight Semi-sweet Chocolate
• 2 Tablespoons Butter


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt.

With an electric mixer, mix butter and sugar on high speed until fluffy. Scrape sides of bowl and mix for a few more seconds. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add vanilla. Mix to combine.

Alternate adding dry ingredients and milk in three batches, mixing for a few seconds after each addition.Scrape sides of bowl, then mix one final time.

Fill paper-lined muffin tins 3/4 full with batter. Bake for 20 to 22 minutes, or do not brown. Cool completely.

Sticky Chocolate Icing:

Mix ingredients together in a small/medium saucepan. Melt ingredients over medium low heat, stirring gently. Icing is ready when all ingredients are melted and combined.

Spoon warm icing over cupcakes, stirring icing to smooth after every third cupcake or so. Allow iced cupcakes to sit at least ten minutes before serving.

PS. In honor of Inception I am tilting this picture at a strange alternate angle, these cupcakes can be eaten in your dreams or real life.


  1. Those are some GOOD-lookin' cupcakes! I really dig the last photo - it's kinda artsy. Plus I just watched inception too and loooooved it.

  2. Those look DElicious...Those pictures are forcing me to make them immediately... Really great photos.

  3. I saw Inception and loved it. Glad you didn't show a picture of number The shower is my nemesis, one of those things I dread cleaning.

    Your cupcakes looks wonderful. I have made these and they were great:)

  4. Those cupcakes look delicious! Yellow cake with chocolate frosting goes fast at my house. :)

  5. Those get an "ooh" and an "ahh" from me! And since you have so much practice in, come on over and clean my shower too!

  6. I'd love to have one of those, please! Yummy looking...



  7. Can I just say, I LOVE that icing?!?! Of course, I am pretty much a lazy suck when it comes to homemade cakes, so I just threw it on boxed mix....Wait! I did bake one of the Hershey's perfect chocolate cakes with that bad-boy frosting...heavenly! ;)

  8. That is amazing. I would like one...or two...right now!:)

    US Masala

  9. Oh yum! :) I may have to make those soon! Night wakings are really hard. :(

  10. those cuppy cakes look nomnom nomnoms

  11. LOL, I love your PS! Inception was a great movie, I hope it wins a lot of awards. And I hope I get to eat these in real life!

  12. sounds like a good weekend to me! wasn't inception good! love the cupcakes, delish!

  13. I did none of those things on the weekend! I did buy a muffin pan, after more than a year without, so I can finally start making fabulous little cakes like these. I can't wait to taste that icing.

  14. I think I'll be dreaming about these cupcakes tonight!

  15. As much as I hate cleaning showers (or bathrooms in general), I think these cupcakes would inspiration to get the gross jobs over with and start indulging :)

  16. yum! I wish I could reach out and grab one :)

  17. These cupcakes look great, and I also felt really smart when I watched (and loved) Inception. Love your sideways picture!

  18. I think cupcakes are so much better than a regular cake. It's like you get your very own cake each time you eat one!! :) These look delicious, Jen! (We watched Inception last weekend! I thought it was pretty good..and I understood it too! YAY!)

  19. Oooo these look amazing! I'm craving one right now! :)

  20. I could eat about 5 of those right now!! My morning cup of joe is lonely!

  21. This is my favorite cupcake combo (yellow cake and chocolate icing), and I definitely couldn't stop at just one of these beauties! They look great, Jen. Thanks for sharing.

  22. These look gorgeous, perfect cupcakes. x

  23. Cupcakes are my favorite thing. I might have to make these for my birthday!

  24. You sure know how to make a mouth water!! Mmmm!!

    Happy Monday Jen!

  25. Tempting cupcakes..Am drooling over your pics!

  26. I agree, they look delicious. Come over and enter my first give away.

  27. Good baking and good times go great together ;o)
    I've gained 1/2 a pound just imagining one of your cyber cupcakes in my mouth. LOL

    I particularly love the cupcake with the star shouldered by the lovely daylight ;o)

    Flavourful wishes,

  28. Ugh shower cleaning...those cupcakes on the other hand those look deelish:)

  29. Sounds like a great weekend...I am all about cupcakes! And these look and sound delicious. I love gooey icing! Thank you for sharing such a creative and yummy recipe with me. I hope you have a safe and warm day tomorrow...we're about to get very cold in Austin!

  30. What fabulous cupcakes! I bet they're tasty! I liked Inception too, but I really had to concentrate to follow what was going on...No going to the restroom, or leaving to get popcorn! :)

  31. it is very rich n lovely...excellent clicks dear..
    Tasty appetite

  32. Yum. I love yellow cake with a rich chocolate frosting...lots of it. This is a perfect reward for having to scrub the shower.

  33. These cupcakes look divine! And yes, Inception was great.

  34. That sandwich looks so bangin' good I'd eat the one with the bite taken out of it.

  35. There's something about yellow cake and chocolate icing that reminds me of my childhood- perhaps it just reminds me of Betty Crocker?

    Either way, that icing looks deliciously glossy.
