
Thursday, April 14, 2011

French Roast Brigadeiro

I just hate being sick. I already have about 3,942 excuses not to do things and being sick is like the icing on the “I don’t feel like doing that cake.”

If you get sick you have full on permission to

1. Not work out, not really…you must! (I just started the P90X)

2. You sure don’t have to eat healthy, bring on the calories..calories cure sickness

3. Be lazy and leave the dishes in the sink, practically taunting you.

4. You have full permission to NOT play with your toddler, however your toddler will not comprehend this fact nor comply

5. You have permission to wine I mean whine on you blog, see I’m doing it “waaaaaaaaa”

6. You have permission to eat all these candies we are about to make.

Learn More About Brigadeiro
{Printable Recipe}

1 can of condensed milk – 395g
1 tablespoon of unsalted butter
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 tsp StarbucksVia Instant Coffee, French Roast
1 cup Shredded Coconut, blend in food processor


Mix the condensed milk, butter, cocoa powder, and Via coffee in your pan. Turn the heat to medium high. Be sure to continually stir for 5-7 minutes, make sure that you fully stir on the bottom to prevent burning.

You will know when it is done because as you lift one side of the pan, the Brigadeiro sits down and reveals the clean bottom of the pan.

Once Brigadeiro is fully cooked, remove from the heat to cool. Once Brigadeiro is cooled to room temperature then place it in your refrigerator for another 2 hours. This will make it much easier to handle.

Rolling is simple. Place a tablespoon sized ball onto the end of a spoon, next slightly dampen your hands (I’m talking a drop or two!) Take the candy off the spoon and roll into a ball between your palms. The slight bit of water really makes it easy.

Now, roll the Brigadeiro ball into your coconut. Alternatives could be crushed nuts, cocoa powder, or a simple powdered sugar..and for a real kick more via powder.

I served these up in mini cupcake holders, how adorable. The consistency is a soft fudge like feel, the taste is divine! Leave out the coffee for kids, but I think the coffee addition makes this a perfect little after dinner treat for adults.


  1. What a simple and delicious recipe! Good work, and feel better!

  2. This is a very popular treat in Brasil! My daughter's sister-in-law is from Brasil and brings Brigadeiro back for all to enjoy!

  3. They sound super sweet...Hope you get to feeling better.

  4. Mmmm, this is candy heaven! A great treat.



  5. oh, how I love this sweetened condensed milk! These really look delicious!

  6. No matter how sick you are...there's *always* room for candy.

  7. these look so good. I hate doing anything when I'm sick. Feel better!

  8. YUM! I could sit on the couch "sick" and eat these watching the whole entire God Father series easily... heaven!

  9. I love these...but never knew how to make them! Thanks for a great recipe...and get feeling better!

  10. Oh my - So lovely they look that I want one of those..or two..or more..Great recipe.

    US Masala

  11. Those candies sound amazing! And I love your shots of them too! I hope you get to feeling better...definitely skip the workout and eat some more candies!!!!

  12. beautiful plates you have! love anything with condensed milk :)

  13. ohmyword! How fabulous those look! Sweetened condensed milk is just plain good...even on the end of a itself. See how bad I am? Add chocolate, coffee and coconut and you have something amazing. :)

    Take care of yourself, girl. I hope you feel better soon!

  14. those sound lovely. Starbucks VIA is lovely stuff. I adore it added to buttercream icing and it makes a fab coffee and walnut fudge. YUM

  15. Yum! And I completely agree with your rules for being sick.

  16. I love anything that has coconut - these look scrumptious!

  17. Those look delicious! Feel better!!
    I'm excited to see your progress through P90X. I did it last year and enjoyed it!

  18. I love brigadeiros! My Brazilian students used to make them all the time, but it's been ages since I had any. Looks like I have no excuse not to make my own now! Hope you're on the mend!

  19. and being sick you have the excuse not to cook or bake!!! you are a trooper :) you go girl with the P90x, I was just online looking to buy that.. please tell me if you like it and your body changes like the people in the before and after pics ..hee

  20. Those candies look so good! I sure hope you feel better soon- being sick is no fun at all. One of my boys is doing P90X- he says the first week is the hardest!

  21. calories cure sickness, truer words have not been spoken! i hope you're feeling better soon, the candies look incredible.

  22. These candies look gorgeous! Your pictures are perfect :) Hope you are feeling better soon!

  23. Feel better soon, Lady! And if those candies dont make you feel better there is always...cake ;)

  24. Oh I hope you feel better soon! These little treats look too perfect to not make you healthy and strong. Thank you for sharing your creativity with me. When I'm sick...I get so mopey so I'm very impressed. Much love!

  25. kids don't understand "sick" that's for sure. ;) Hope you feel better soon.

    These candies look scrumptious, I love the coconut!

  26. Your really have these perfected. Your candy is so perfectly round! Hope you're ALL better soon!

  27. A friend of mine makes brigadeiro all the time.. love it!!!
    Hope you are feeling better!

  28. I've never heard of this candy before but it looks amazing! I love the idea of it being rolled in coconut. Yum.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  29. These sound really scrumptious. I find them irresistible when rolled in coconut. I hope you feel better soon. Have a restful day. Blessings...Mary

  30. Those look so good! I've been sick the past couple of days and have just been resting. I definitely agree that more calories cures you faster! Bring on the cookies..

  31. What's not to love about these sweet treats?
    Sweetened Cond. Milk, gets me every time!

    I would love to hear more about your recent "change".
    If ya know what I'm sayin'?
    Love, Kristin

  32. Poor Jen! Please feel better soon. Also, these look amazing! What an awesome treat to ail you through your sickness. But really, I'm pulling for ya to feel right as rain! :)

  33. What a coincidence, I just made brigadeiro's too! Except mine went a bit wrong, but yours looks good! :) Hoe you feel better soon!

  34. Why have I never had a brigadeiro?These look AMAZING! I hope you feel better soon Jen;)

  35. I like the way you think. I also like the way you eat. Break me off a piece of that brigadeiro. And good luck on the P90x...I hear it's a KILLER!!

  36. What a simply divine recipe. Simple and delicious! Brilliant. Enjoy your weekend.

  37. Hey-- I didn't see your email, but I wanted to let you know I tagged you in a blogging handwriting meme....

    if you get the chance- I know you don't feel well !

  38. Ohh Jennifer I hate being sick! I so feel for you. Hugs.

    I'm glad to see being sick hasn't made your sense of humor go away. Candy must help that.


  39. Good luck on the p90x and keep us posted. I did the first month of insanity and then punked out and bought a step bench.

    When I saw french roast in the title I thought this was going to be about a beef roast! This is even better! I love using sweetened condensed milk. I bet these are fabulous.

  40. So, if I am sick, I can eat this? Oh yeah.. :P

  41. Yum, those look amazing. Do I really have to be sick to eat them all? I'm sure eating them all would get me well on my way, though... ;) Hope your feeling better!

  42. I've never heard of Brigadeiro but they look lovely and sound very yummy too! Have a wonderful weekend :).

  43. WOW!! Fabulous clicks..They look absolutely tempting! Hope you feel better soon..

  44. I love how your directions sound like Brigadeiro is a person..."Brigadeiro sits down and reveals the clean bottom of the pan" haha Oh and yes, this sounds yum. For some reason, I like making things that I get to roll around in my that weird?

  45. Yum! As a Brazilian I've had many many types of brigadeiro, but I've never tried it with coffee!

  46. CANDY!!! Yay! And a super easy recipe too! WIN!

  47. That looks so easy and yummy! and Unhealthy I LOVE IT! :-)


  48. These little darlin's look so dark and decadent! Heavenly! Hope you're feeling better now!

  49. I have wanted to make these. I am scared to. I am afraid of the pop-one-right-after-another-into-my-mouth factor.
