
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chicken with Spinach & Roasted Red Peppers

You know what? I have to be totally honest with you, this weekend knocked the crap out of me. Not because I was sick, that has passed. This weekend kicked the crap out of me because my fuse must be like .0295 milli-micro-supersmall-nano-seconds long.

Yeah. There were all sorts of challenges. Challenges that made me put on full display mom and wife melt downs, I am so not proud.

So there are those days when your toddler will not take a nap. You know, the ones where stuffed animals get tossed over the railing…by you. Yeah, I’m not proud – Sorry Mickey…and Minnie..and Bear..etc..

There are also those days when your partner sort of rolls their eyes at you, or thinks you lost something of theirs, or thinks you gave the computer a virus…NO IT WAS NOT ME I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes I am pretty sure I yelled worse than that, and rolled my eyes right on back...thrice

Calgon, take me away.

PS..The P90x is kicking my butt.

PPS..I am so glad that Indigo's #2 accident came after everybody else left the park.

PPPS..I am sorry Indigo for letting the world know about the #2 accident.

Delightfully borrowed from Gina
{Printable Recipe}

4-6 Chicken Breasts, thin cut
1 bag spinach, pre-washed from the salad aisle
1 jar, Roasted Red Peppers
2 cloves garlic
Mozzarella Cheese
Cayenne Pepper for a little heat
Salt & Pepper
2 tbs flour
Olive Oil, for sauteing the Chicken and Spinach


Pre-Heat oven to 350

First you will want to season your chicken with salt ,pepper,and Cayenne. Next lightly drizzle a little bit of flour onto the chicken. In a large pan over a medium high heat, sauté your chicken until cooked through.

Heat a sauté pan or pot over medium heat. Add oil (1-2 tsp) and garlic, sauté a few seconds, add spinach, salt and pepper. Cook a few minutes until heated through.

When chicken is done, lay on a baking sheet lined with foil. Divide spinach evenly between your chicken breasts. Top each with mozzarella, then slices of roasted pepper and bake until melted, about 6-8 minutes.

There, were all done cooking - phew. I am super beat! This weekend took one look at me and gave me a big ole whooping. Weekend, I give up. Take me to Monday.

PPPPS, I can’t believe I just said that.


  1. Sometimes the weekends can be longer than the weeks. Chin up and hope your week is better than this weekend.

  2. Family feuds are bound to happen when you're all kooked up together. Don't beat yourself up dear. Roll your eyes right back, and then make up. :)

  3. I feel your pain, I've had weekends like that too.
    This looks delicious!

  4. Unfortunately we all have bad days(weekends). Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully your week will be a lot better! This meal definitely looks like the start of something good:)

  5. Mmmmm, this looks so all the veggies, sounds delicious! :)

  6. I understand. I am kinda ready for Monday too. I work retail and this weekend kicked my butt. Monday=a little slower paced ;) Good for you for cooking though after all that!

  7. Very healthy and so scrumptious! That is a delicious combination.



  8. This is winning combination of flavours! Very healthy and tasty!

  9. This looks sooo good!!! thank you for planing tomorrow's dinner for me!!!

  10. So the chicken looks fantastic!!! Sorry you had a such a trying weekend...but they say, that which does not kill us makes us stronger, right? So, are like he-man right now!! :)

  11. sounds rough. but at least this dish looks fantastic.

  12. Sorry you had a rough weekend. I know it happens to us all now and then. Hopefully the week will be better :) Ps- That looks really yummy!

  13. Even adults (especially moms) are susceptible to tantrums. Entitled, even. I'm sure the rest of the week will only get better :)

  14. So sorry to hear that you had an unhappy weekend, Jen. But for every hurdle there's a horizon and I'm sure something really good/fun/awesome/fantastic is waiting for you. You seem to be a wonderful cook, wife and mom, but everyone has their breaking points once in a while. Thanks for sharing this recipe and being so honest. :)

  15. I love how pretty and nutritious this whole dish is. And I also want to try P90X!

  16. You always make me smile. :)

    Some weeks are just like that. P90X is kicking my butt, as well. I'm not thinking my girlie arms will ever be able to do a real pull up, oh well.

    At least dinner looks good!

  17. Hugs! Jennifer we all have our bad mom moments. Sigh.. I wish we were perfect people. There are times I need a break and I get too short/cranky/lose patients when I shouldn't. Or times when I tune out my kiddo because I can only absorb so much information being thrown at me.

    But we keep trying and we love our kids. Hopefully they won't need too much therapy when we're done raising them!


  18. Oh my goodness...that looks awesome.
    I agree with what everyone else said...we do all have hard days being moms...there is nothing like getting out of the house, even if it is for an hour by yourself!!!

  19. A great dish! So healthy and original.
    US Masala

  20. Jenn, yum! What a great way to serve chicken. It looks delicious and healthy. I try not to eat too much meat but I will totally have to try this one when I do.

  21. Delicious! And, yes, I do remember days of sitting outside my toddler's bedroom door determined that he nap and he determined not to! I remember putting him in the car and driving along the ocean in La Jolla hoping he would be lulled into sleep. Now I miss those days!!

    Good luck!


  22. Hope your Monday is going better! We all have meltdown moments (days? weekends?)- don't let it get you down! That chicken looks yummy. :)

  23. This is such a beautiful chicken dish! And I've totally had those days where I roll my eyes thrice. Ha-ha!

  24. lol! Aww this post totally made me crack up. And the recipe looks so good!

  25. Superb recipe! I have bookmarked it..Lovely clicks!

  26. I love the quote at the top :) I hear ya, I think the older I get, the shorter my fuse gets. No matter how I pray to leave the "real me" behind, she always follows me! But anyway, this chicken sounds really delicious..yum!

  27. Oh, what a gorgeous, delicious chicken dish! Much as I love the leftover brats that will be our dinner tonight, I'd much rather have yours! Hope Indigo took a LONG nap today :)

  28. Wow, this looks so delicious! Just came across your blog and am a new follower!
    - Jessica @

  29. Now that is one good looking chicken.

  30. i can always relate so well to your posts. most of my mornings are like what you described, thank goodness for stress relieving workouts!

    and thank goodness for this killer chicken!

  31. I've had weekends like that! I will also say, this recipe would make up for those kind of weekends. Beautiful & bookmarked.

  32. So, like, dudette. I am in total understanding of the short fuse thing. There are days when I yell at myself for using the mean Mommy voice. And days when I am like, I am not so bad. I am not hurting my kids, I love them, I provide, I craft with them, I spend time with them... In a not proud way, remember how great you are! We just have bad moments that's all, right?

  33. The red color is a nice flair to the chicken! All your pictures look so sunny, I wish I lived in San Diego.

  34. I've been on meltdown mode for the past week. Must be something in the air... This chicken looks fantastic!

  35. Oh how I admire you sweet young moms even with those occasional melt-downs. Hey, one of my daughters has five children ages 7 and under. Melt-downs are part of their life :)

    And yes, my daughters kill themselves doing those extreme work-outs too. Sure they are adorable and can wear fun clothes. But, ouch! The price they pay!

    Oh, the chicken recipe looks fantastic! Happy you didn't have to toss it over the railing :)

    Big hugs and prayers to you as you mother that sweetheart of yours! Come to think of it, I could use some big hugs and prayers as I mother my 19 year old!

  36. Ha. Hilarious post! I think we can all relate to one or most of those frustrations! (I love the quote on your first photo, by the way.)
    This chicken dish looks great...super healthy and yummy flavors.
    Hope your Monday has treated you well...

  37. I just have to say that I love your blog. It is my first choice when I have time to is beautiful in every way!

  38. Sadly, we moms have all had those moments. Hopefully, your week will be better than your weekend. Love the chicken. It's so bright, colorful, and good for you.

  39. You don't have to worry about the weekend "pushing" you to Monday. Monday will pull you towards it. Know why? MONDAY'S SUCK! ha ha ha ha

    The chicken, spinach and peppers look great.

    By the way, I think Mickey and Minnie had it coming to them.....
