
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter & Prayer

Can my family Pray for yours?

If you, your family, co-workers, or friends

Would appreciate a prayer said for them this Sunday

Just leave their names here, me & my family will be happy to say a prayer over each name left in the comments section below...No explanation needed we are just feeling blessed and would love to wish blessings over you too.


  1. That is so thoughtful of you!

    I wish you and your family and Happy Easter. Will be thinking of you and wishing you the best too...

    Cute pictures!



  2. Very sweet. We too are lucky in our blessings but I know my dear friend Monet at applecores and anecdotes could sure use a prayer right now!
    Please stop by my blog, Simply Healthy Family to enter to win a set of curtains {made from 100% recycled material} in honor of Earth Day.
    Happy Day!

  3. Jennifurla, you are so kind to post this. My mom V could sure use extra prayers right now.

    I will think of you and your lovely family on Sunday too. Happy Easter!

  4. You are very thoughtful! I love this post. HAPPY EASTER!!

  5. You are so very thoughtful! My co-worker's mother-in-law is very sick in the hospital and could use some more prayers. Thanks so much and happy easter!

  6. Verry nice of you, you and your family have a happy Easter :)

  7. What a lovely post! I have a friend named Wendy who could use some prayers. Thanks!

  8. Thank you for the prayers! There's a teenage boy named Wesley that could use an extra prayer right now. I hope you and your family have a blessed Easter!

  9. Such lovely post. Please pray for my sisters who will be having exams at uni soon. Have a beautiful and blessed Easter. Peace be with you and your family.

  10. I am in love with your pictures and thank you so much for your prayer.
    I wish you and your family lovely Easter,

    Peace&Love, Barbaraxx

  11. Such a sweet post. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  12. Cute Indigo photos. Happy Easter to all :-)

    Prayers for Japan..

  13. Such a wonderful thing for you and your family to do, Jen.
    I would love for you to say a prayer for my family. And thank you!
    Big hugs and blessings to you and yours!!

  14. How sweet! My cousin just got killed this week from a hit and run. I am praying with all might that they find the "runner". Thank you!

    Bless you & your family!

  15. This is so sweet, Jen. Fortunately, I don't have anyone in my life in need of a prayer right now, but I will always remember this kind gesture of yours. Thank you, sweet lady, and happy Easter to your family! :)

  16. What a beautiful thing to do.

    I would really appreciate some prayers for my sisters family - we need them.

  17. How thoughtful and touching. We always pray in general for those that need comfort and care, and you have taken it a step further. YOU are a 10!
    Hugs and Happy Easter.

  18. What a beautiful, sweet post. Happy Easter!

  19. This is so nice of you! My friend Joyce and her family could use some prayers as her healthy adorable 4 month old grandson died in his sleep a couple of nights ago. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  20. Happy Easter to you and your family Jennifer!

  21. I love this gesture :) My family is praying for an aunt with ms and the sale of grandma's house so she can move closer to the family. Keeping your family in our prayers as well :)

  22. What a beautiful post! My family could use some prayers, nothing real serious going on just lots and lots of stress in this unstable economy. I'll be sending off a little prayer for you and your family too. Have a wonderful and blessed Easter (((Hugs))

  23. What a wonderful thought :) I hope that you and your family have a blessed Easter!

  24. How sweet of you and your family! I second Healthy Mamma for putting in a little prayer for Monet and her family over at Anecdotes and Apple cores. They have been through a lot lately.

    Have a happy Easter!

  25. Happy Easter to you as well. Darling photos

  26. What a beautiful and thoughtful post.

    I think no matter where we are in life, we are always in need of prayer. I mean, who turns down a prayer? I would be honored if you included us this Sunday. Thank you.

    Happy Easter!

  27. I really think this is exacty the kind of gesture that puts a smile on our Father's face...please pray for Mary and Shaun...tomorrow my family will pray over each name as well...thank you for living out your faith

  28. This is so nice of you, Jen..Please pray for my brother, Mahesh who is having an imp. examination in the second week of may. Wish you and your family a very happy and blessed Easter! Thank You.

  29. Thank you so much, this is very lovely :) Can I ask you to pray for my mum and dad to have a safe trip, as they are flying to on Easter Sunday for my cousin's wedding. Beautiful photos, and wishing you blessings for Easter too :)

  30. That is so sweet girl. Please say a prayer for the state of TX. We are burning from end to end with no rain in sight:( Have a wonderful Easter with your precious family and glad you are feeling so blessed!!!

  31. Aw, you've blessed my heart! I would absolutely welcome your prayers. Could you lift Connor, RJ and Julz up in prayer? And I always welcome it for myself too. :)

    Thanks so much for asking! Happy Easter to you and your family. Love your photos!

  32. I'm a day late, but always love a prayer! Thanks!
