
Sunday, April 24, 2011

White Chocolate & Strawberry Muffins

Hi ya’ll

Guess what, I saw Alvin and the Chipmunks for like the 87th time this weekend! Word. There are things in life, especially when you have a toddler that you are surely going to repeat a few times. Indy has a nice list of repeats.

Below are a few things.

1. See above (Alvin and the Chipmunks)

2. Chocolate Milk, this is a serious obsession that I am having trouble not using as a coercing item. Basically if I need the mini-me to move, I offer up the dark chocolate juice that calls her name. Please tell me I am not the only mom to do such things?? Anyone… *taps mic* Is this thing on?

Also while typing this out I just fed my girl a Cadbury Egg, her favorite and #1 reason she is potty trained. It’s starting to look like I have a serious problem with begging my daughter to do things with chocolate…she has it SOOOOO good.

Below is a chocolate recipe fit for begging a toddler or adult to do your bidding. So ladies..and gents – Make out that Honey do list and get your baking on.

PS. 2nd week of P90X completed

PPS. Thanks for all of your prayer requests, it was an honor to incorporate you & your family and friends into our Easter. I kept all your names on the chair next to me.

INGREDIENTS (makes 12)
{Printable Recipe}
Recipe delightfully borrowed off the back of a Ghirardelli Bar

¼ cup butter
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup Milk
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tbs baking powder
1 cup flour
8 oz White Chocolate, chopped
¾ cup, diced strawberries


Pre-Heat your oven to 375.

Butter and Flour your muffin pan, add parchment to the very bottom of each muffin spot. This makes for very easy removal.

In a medium sized bowl, cream together the sugar & butter. Next, add in the egg, milk, and vanilla extract and stir until well combined.

In a large bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, and chopped white chocolate. Gradually add this into your wet items until just combined.

Now add in those gorgeous Strawberries. Stir only enough to evenly distribute them. This batter is quite lumpy, and that’s a good thing.

Fill your muffin cups ¾ of the way full.  Bake for 20-25 minutes for large muffins.

Now I'm off to run our Easter egg hunt.


  1. Your photos are beautiful & these look delicious! I love that they give you an excuse to have white chocolate for breakfast. Happy Easter! :)

  2. Mmmmm...these look especially good, perfect for a holiday! When my daughter was little it was Aladdin and Bambi that we, err...she watched over and over...

  3. These muffins look gorgeous and might be a great inspiration for the carton of strawberries in my fridge right now!

  4. They look and sound so good! Wonderful.



  5. Yummy muffins! I can certainly be bribed with these muffins :)
    Thank you for the prayer. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  6. You can bribe me with those muffins any day!! They look delicious. And I have said Ghirardelli bar sitting on my counter for cheesecakes later in the week, but I could so go for these right now! Hmmm...

    Congrats on completing Week 2 of the X. That stuff's no joke. :)

  7. Mmmmm, mmmmmm....I think I've found my new favorite muffin! I used M & Ms to potty train my kids 20+ years've used a tried and true method ;) Happy Easter~


  9. Chocolate was created #1 for moms, and #2 for moms to use to get their kids to do stuff they don't want to do ;)

    These muffins are gorgeous with the fresh strawberries, and as usual, your photography is stunning. Happy Easter!

    Marina @

  10. I to bribed my kids with candy for potty training!!!
    Oh and P90X..Kicked my ass! I could NOT STAND they Yoga!
    Love the muffins!

  11. mmm just the amount of sugar and fruit for the perfect snack or bfast!

  12. This is perfect timing for you to post this recipe! I bought so many strawberries and was wanting some new recipes! I love this....your photos are great and I think it is so sweet how you say that you 'delightfully borrowed' the recipe from the back of the chocolate wrapper! and I love how you said "word" . . . reminds me of my son who used to say that when he was in college!

  13. I have plenty of strawberries in my fridge too and these muffins are calling them! I don't think I've ever put white chocolate in a muffin before, but I'm definitely ready to :) Happy Easter and thank you for keeping my family in your prayers today :) Wishing you a fantastic week!

  14. Yummy muffins.. and lovely clicks!

  15. We saw somw cartoons soooo many times ! I love your bribing too (and the delicious muffins !) Baci

  16. Fab muffins, they look so soft, delicious!

  17. What mother doesn't do that?! I don't judge! These muffins would make just about anyone do anything!! Beautiful!!!! Love the photos too!

  18. You are wonderful and so thougtful, what a kind gesture to pray for others. I think the strawberries in my fridge are begging me to make these muffins, they look divine!

  19. Sounds fantastic! Those muffins look gorgeous!

  20. I hope you and your family had a great Easter, Jen. These muffins are breakfast perfection! Love the flavor - Couldn't we all use a little more chocolate before 10AM? Thanks for sharing these beauties! :)

  21. Loved the combo of strawberries with white chocolate- gorgeous they look!
    US Masala

  22. These muffins are gorgeous! I'd just replace the white chocolate with dark chocolate because I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate... and then I'd find them absolutely heavenly.

  23. oooh, love the white chocolate addition, what fabulous muffins!

  24. White Chocolate makes everything better!
    I am a big fan of prayer. Prayers of graditude are my favorite. Have a great day.

  25. That looks so good and pretty! Better than singing chipmunks.

  26. Your photos are great and the muffins look fantastic. Bribery works every time I guess. It was so kind of you with the prayers. You are a very thoughtful gal!

  27. I love to bake with fresh berries because th juices bleed through the baked gods. MMmmm!

  28. Sounds great. Will have to try this. Thanks for sharing!


  29. I had watched "Up" last night for don't-know-how-many-times and still laughed over it and enjoyed so much. Believe these delicious chocolate and strawberry muffins would have that effect on me too :-)

  30. Your daughter is a very lucky girl! I haven't yet seen Alvin and the Chipmunks, but I have no younger siblings to watch them with :( Maybe I shall invest time to watch it anyway :)
    p.s. thank you for the prayer :)

  31. Those muffins look great. Chocolate (M&M's to be exact) were the direct bribery we used for potty training :)

  32. May I come live with you?! You always make some absolutely delicious and fabulous items.


  33. Just a delightful post! I love your spot on insights into raising your mini-me, not to mention your food! The combination of strawberries and chocolate is always perfect; never thought of muffin-izing them!

  34. Great combination! That sounds AMAZING!

  35. Great combo and looks tempting! Love your true and rustic photos too...

  36. Coincidence that I have a basket of close to over-ripened strawberries just waiting to be used? I think not.

  37. These muffins look absolutely delicious, perfect for this time of year. Thanks for sharing!

  38. Chocolate, the breakfast of champions. Love it! And my kids (and me) will love these muffins.

  39. The muffins look gorgeous! My family would love these.

    And tootsie pops are my go-to for my kid :)

  40. The idea of chocolate for breakfast sounds perfect to me.
