
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's been fun

Hi everyone, well I don't have the stomach flu I actually caught a bad case of the baby in my belly! ha, Everything looks good for baby #2 so far.

For right now I am going to stop blogging, the time I have left over every evening during this break is what my body and mind have been craving...well besides Taco Bell and Peanut Butter..not together of course

I will still visit all of you though, and wish everyone the best - you have all been very sweet.  Food Blogging has been so much fun and I can swing my way through the kitchen now...without my camera of course.

Indigo's Sugar Spectrum OUT - Love Jennifer.

PS - I reserve the right to return if I wake up in a panic one morning over this. 


  1. Congratulations! I will miss your blog so feel free to have a few panic attacks here and there :)

  2. Congratulations!!! I am sure Indigo will make a wonderful big sister, hope to see you back someday!

  3. Wonderful news - congratulations.

    Enjoy your break from blogging - but we want you back!!

  4. Wow, congrats!! Have a great break, you deserve it. I'll miss your blog posts!

  5. Congratulations! I wish you all the best and please know you will be missed!

  6. Congratulations! You will be missed but I am wishing you all of the best!

  7. Congratulations!!! Yes, please do come back if you feel the urge. You're blog is so much fun :)So happy you're family and this blessing. xo

  8. Congratulations! You'll be missed!!

  9. I sorta thought there was more to it then the stomache flu ;) Congratulations! I'll miss your unique posts but completely understand how exhausting pregnancy can be!

  10. Congratulations! Will totally miss your posts, but mama knows what mama needs and I can't think of a better reason to go on hiatus:)

  11. Haha, take it easy and let us know of any obscure cravings!
    Thanks and good luck.

  12. So exciting! Congratulations on baby #2! Will be missing you a lot!

  13. Congrats on babe #2! You'll be great. Sad to see you go's to hoping you'll come back someday?

  14. Congratulations on that baby in your belly!!! :)
    Good decision on the blog break. Family is most important!
    But you will be missed.

  15. Congratulations!! That is awesome news.
    You will be missed. I hope we'll get updates from time to time :)
    Take care.

  16. I'll miss you!! I finally got settled in Ohio and checked into your blog only to find out you're taking a hiatus! Congrats on the pregnancy!! My husband and I are going to start trying for baby #3 shortly!

    Good luck with everything!! I'll keep checking back...just incase.

  17. Wow wow wow! Indie's going to be a big sister! Congrats!!!

  18. Congratulations!! We'll miss you!

  19. Congrats! Im going to miss your posts for sure!

  20. Hooray for baby #2! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I hope you will come back! It won't be the same with your posts missing from my blog feed. :)


  21. haha - congratulations.

    We'll miss you - but will still be around when and if you come back. x

  22. Congratulations! Treasure your time enjoying your family. :)

  23. I KNEW it! Hahaha! Congratulations! You will be missed, but you take care of you and your sweet babies (((hugs)))

  24. Congratulations! And I'll definitely miss reading about Indigo and your fabulous recipes!

  25. awww I'll miss you!!!! and indy! Congrats on baby #2. this child is already so blessed.

  26. Congrats on baby #2! Hopefully we'll see some pics when it's time :) Have fun and enjoy the journey.

  27. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. We'll miss you, though. Hope you'll miss us and blog soon.

  28. Congrats!!! :) That's wonderful news... enjoy your break! I love visiting your blog, and hope you'll come back when you can :) Take care & God bless...

  29. Oh I SO new it! Congratulations, Honey! Please come visit and let me know how you and Indigo and of course #2 are doing because I will miss you!

  30. Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. I enjoy your blog very much, so feel free to have the occasional panic and miss it every so often. Take care of that little one and enjoy the break!

  31. I had an inkling that you were pregnant:) CONGRATULATIONS! You will be sorely missed!

  32. Congratulations! We'll miss you and Indigo, but you need to take care of yourself. :)

  33. Wow, Congratulations! Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy and lots of time to relax and rest!

  34. Congrats Jenn!!! How exciting!!

  35. Yay! Baby no.2!!! I will miss you and your posts... but I have a feeling you'll be back!! Wishing you a happy, healthy and relaxing pregnancy!

  36. Congratualations on the new baby Jen!!! I'm sorry to hear you'll no longer be blogging, but I completely understand... Wishing you the best!! ((((((HUGS)))))))

  37. Congratulations! You will be missed as a blogger, but am so excited for your new addition. Happy and healthy nine months. You could always post to let us know how you are doing.

  38. so happy for you! you'll be missed, but a blogging break can really be nice sometimes. good luck with the pregnancy!!

  39. Congrats! Will miss you :)

  40. Congratulations! We will miss you!

  41. Good morning folks and I'm sure some of you are watching hurricane Irene's movements especially if you live on the east coast. ................... I have a post called "Lancaster on 2 wheels" today on Amish Stories where i tour the Amish country side taking pictures and observations which I've just posted........................Enjoy your weekend everyone and i hope your out of Irene's path and safe. Richard from Amish Stories.

  42. Congratulations! Very exciting news! Sorry to see you go, but with baby #2 on the way, sounds like a good idea to take care of Mommy for a while:)

  43. I remember those days. Really, they went by waaay too fast. I hope you are feeling better soon! Come back to update us on your pregnancy and your cute Indy. loves.

  44. Best wishes to you! How funny.

    I will miss you so. And I reserve the right to pop in and visit previous posts and pretend like you are here when you are kinda not.

    Cheers Girl!

  45. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your family. I will miss your fun posts and awesome pictures, but you definitely need to take care of yourself! Best wishes! :)

  46. Oh My Gosh!!! Congrats, I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your time and kick your feet up and relax!!

  47. Congratulations!! We will miss you - and hope that you will at least post some pics of your cute girl and your baby-to-be!

  48. Oh wow - congratulations to you and hubby and Indigo!!!! You will be sorely missed but something tells me you're not going away altogether. In the meantime, you have given us a wonderful, delicious, and inspirational place to visit. Best of luck to you dearheart!!!

  49. Congrats!!! SO exciting!
    Shhh....don't tell, but that is why I have been taking a break from blogging.
    It is NOT FUN to be in the kitchen cooking when you don't want to eat, and nothing sounds good, or tastes good!

  50. CONGRATULATIONS! I am so very excited for you and your family but bummed for me because I love your blog, photos, and recipes. Hope you come back soon. xoxo

  51. Love your blog! Look forward to reading more when you get back. Congratulations :)

  52. Congratulations, Jennifer! What an exciting time for you and your family. You'll be missed in the food blogging world but hopefully you'll pick up this passion again eventually! Enjoy the rest of your summer and your expanding family. :) XO

  53. Oh my goodness, congrats girlie :) So excited for you and Indigo!

  54. Oh what joyous news! Congratulations!!!! I'm going miss you :(.....

    Do you realize you're the 3rd blogger I've visited today who is expecting?

    Well, I hope you'll eventually find the time to come back. Until then, enjoy your pregnancy and get as much rest as you can.


  55. Congratulations and au revoir!

  56. Congratulations to you and your family! I wish you all the best.

    I'm going to secretly hope that you come back:) I always looked forward to reading your posts. You definitely had a way for making me laugh, not to mention all the delicious food you shared.

    Take care!

  57. Congrats on baby #2...that's awesome. I'll miss your humor and your beautiful pics....I wish you all the best =)

  58. Congratulations and all the best to you! I'll miss your sweet updates and photos of Indigo. Take care!

  59. OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - so happy for the 3 soon to be 4 of you!

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  60. So happy for you!! :) you'll be missed!!

  61. OMG! Congrats girlfriend! I hope you'll be back!

  62. Sweet! Congratulations! (I know, I'm slow getting around.)

  63. Oh, I am SO behind!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great excuse to stop blogging...but hope you jump back in some time in the future!!! xoxo

  64. what???? I find this blog...delightfully decide to follow it...and then you take a break? Hurry up and have the baby alright!....No wishes...and come back soon! hahaha

  65. Ooh...another beautiful baby on the way! So excited for you, and so happy even though we'll miss your posts. If you ever panic, please think of us!

  66. popping in to say hi! i hope everything is well in your world!
