
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Apple Hi!! Umm, I mean Pie...

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Me who?
Me who said I was leaving but am now showing up two months later because making food and taking pictures is like a drug I need in my life.

Hi, My Name is Jennifer and I like to cry wolf...and eat...tons..and document it..

Do you guys think we can just pretend like I took a long vacation? You can? Well that's great!

So let me get you guys up to speed.

1. I am now 4 months pregnant with what we believe to be a little man! Yeah.
2. I did the calculations and I can now consume about 2,300 calories guilt free since I am eating for "two".
3. I consume about 3,000 calories a day. I guess that is more of a confession.
4. Indigo wakes me up before 6am every morning.
5. Hey, if a girl is up from 6am until bedtime what can you expect but eating 3,000 calories a day.

I rest my case.

So there you have it, I eat alot and I missed you!

YOU = Fellow bloggers and blogging and having a free place for my lists and confessions and sugar and chocolate and recipes and pictures and run on sentencing in general.

You like apple pie? Well sure nuff I bought apples to curb the calories and didn't eat them. Shocker, so into the pie they went.  Logically if you buy something to eat healthy you should add at least 1 stick of butter.

Delightfully borrowed from Allrecipes
{Printable Recipe}

1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
1/2 cup unsalted butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
6-8 apples - peeled, cored and sliced

*1/2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice and or cinnamon*


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in flour to form a paste. Add water, white sugar and brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and let simmer for 20 seconds.

Place the bottom crust in your pan. Fill with apples, mounded slightly in the center. Cover with a lattice work crust. Gently pour the sugar and butter liquid over the crust. Pour slowly so that it does not run off.

Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and cover with foil very loosely, sprinkle with turbinado sugar if you like. Continue baking for 35 to 45 minutes, until apples are soft. My pie went for 40.

So posting might be a little less frequent but I do need a little outlet that doesn't include me yelling at my 3 year old...and husband....and cat...and television screen..

You get the point.



  1. Yay! You're back! No, I don't think 3000 calories a day is bad at all...I'm 6 months along and there are days where I am just ravenous! A pie sounds really good right about now.

  2. Yah Hay!!!! Welcome back ..... that resting thing is way over-rated!!!

    Perfect way to consume healthy fruit!

  3. So happy to see you posting again! Your apple pie looks delicious.

  4. Welcome back, I was just wondering where you were off to??
    I'm loving this luscious pour over the lattice topped apple pie, how fun, pretty and yummy!
    Congratulations on your pregnancy and I look forward to your posts ;-)

  5. It's good to see you (and your yummy pie) back! Everyone needs a little vacation now and then. :) I have oodles of apples, and I've never tried a pie with butter and sugar poured over the lattice. This is definitely something I need to do! Fruit is good for you. :)

  6. I'm so glad to see you're blogging again. I've missed your Indigo updates. And now we get bump updates, and an apple pie recipe! You've made my day!

  7. YAY!!!! so excited to see your post today :) i need to get some apples and try this pie, looks amazing. Congrats on the pregnancy and i hope you are feeling great!

  8. Missed you! And all your cleverness! And I love apple pie; can't get enough of it.

  9. That pie looks amazing!

    Great to read you again!



  10. Yay! I'm so happy to see you back! And your pie looks wonderfully delish!

  11. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! So psyched to see you back with your sassy wit and gorgeous photos and delicious food. Happy return and NO need to explain yourself! Woo hoo!

  12. Good to see you back, I know what you mean by not posting. Sometimes I feel guilty if I dont post in a week (guilty to who though?) Aghhh whats happening to me?
    Anyway the pie looks superb and what a come back!
    Take care..

  13. Welcome back!!! I need to get back to it, too. This pie looks divine!

  14. A pie is the perfect solution to the 'healthy apple'. I do like the way you think. Welcome back, congrats on #2.

  15. Well congrats on a new little one on the horizon!

    That pie looks heavenly! Welcome back!

  16. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Glad you're back!

  17. Yay! You were missed! Congratulations on your little baby-to-be. :)

  18. CONGRATULIONS!!! What exciting news! You've been missed...but I'm so glad you're back! And what a delicious pie...I love that you pour the sugar syrup over the lattice....mmmmmm.

  19. Yay!!! You're back! Nice to see you and that delightful pie of yours. :)

  20. welcome back! glad you missed us! this pie looks delightful. so happy to hear you are healthy and it's a boy!! awww

  21. Welcome back! And, congratulations! What a gorgeous debut!

  22. Nice to see you back and congratulations!!! You'll love having a little boy and girl. These pictures are beautiful:)

  23. Well, hellllooooo stranger! Damn glad to see you and your fine lookin' pie. Those pictures sure are pretty. Hope you're feeling well; you're definitely eating well!!

  24. Congratulations, you came back with a bang! So tempting and beautiful bake, have a blessed week...

  25. Wow, wow, wowzers! What comeback, this looks freaking amazing! Welcome back :) I have certainly missed seeing your scrumptious food and fabulous posts!

  26. YEAH! I am so glad you are back! This is really weird, but this morning when I was sitting down with my coffee to do my blog surfing, I was thinking about how I miss reading your blog - and then POOF - there you were!

  27. Hi! Glad to see you back! The pie looks incredible, much rather eat apples that way too:)

  28. Homemade apple pie is the best! Your recipe sounds perfect and your pic are really good!

  29. Yes! Glad you're back! Will keep checking for 1) more recipes like this divine pie and 2) updates on your pregnancy! Congrats to you, Jennifer!

  30. i got so happy when i saw you at the top of my feed! welcome back, and what a way to come back! congrats on your little guy, that's what i have, daughter first, boy second. it's a pretty great combo.

  31. So glad to see a new post from you! You have been missed. Glad to know you are well and eating lots! Congrats on your little boy.
    The pie looks divine. Utterly delicious.

  32. What a nice surprise to see you back posting again! You were missed! That pie looks absolutely fantastic. I wish I had a piece right now for dessert. Welcome back!

  33. Yay! Glad you're back! Congrats on the boy. :) That pie looks delightful!

  34. I think I echo everyone here in saying how glad I am you're back! Thanks for the update, now I'm wondering if your blog name will change with the arrival of your little guy there...? I like your rationale for adding the butter, I mean life has to have balance, right. Well, your pie looks perfect...hallelujah for the 3,000 calories!

  35. Well welcome back Jen!! So good to see you and that you are doing so well. Glad everything is going well with the pregnancy.
    Oh yes...and the pie looks fantastic!!

  36. Your pie is wonderful but your news is better still :-). Congratulations! Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  37. Ha ha ha ha! It's an addiction, I tell you! I'm glad you're back. I've missed your funny photos and beautiful writing. Strike that, reverse it. Funny writing, beautiful photos. ;P You definitely deserve the extra calories right now...and this gorgeous pie is definitely the way to go.

  38. p.s... not that you're writing isn't beautiful as well. eerrrr...aaahhh...

  39. Welcome back! Your photos look so amazing.

  40. This pie looks absolutely gorgeous. I wouldnt want to eat it I would just make it to stare at lol. I will definitely be attempting to copy this asap!


  41. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I had a girl first and then a boy, too. They are now 16 and 13 and fantastic fun! You have a wonderful time ahead of you! Congratulations!

  42. Hooray, look how much we've all misseed you! :) What a great way to celebrate your return~a beautiful apple pie!

  43. I'm so glad you're back friend! That's how I do pie as well, syrup on top makes the crust TDF!

  44. You have been missed....Yay, a boy!!

  45. Oh hooray you are feeling better!

  46. happy you're back. even if inconsistently!

  47. Welcome back. The apple pie looks stunning but I am so envious of your set up for shooting your photos. I get no light in my kitchen.

  48. "Logically if you buy something to eat healthy you should add at least 1 stick of butter." Love it. You are new to me, so I didn't miss you but if you are always as funny as you are in this post, I am going to love it. The pie looks A-MAZING, by the way.

  49. Congratulations! I've been away too, so I didn't even realize you were on hiatus. I sure am glad you're back though.
    The pie sounds amazing--my favourite part is the sugary goo around the edges, so this sauce is something I'd like to bathe in. And now I feel better about making all my pumpkin dishes so unhealthy!

  50. Such a lovely pie
    I love every pie with apple in it

  51. I'm just now seeing that you're back! I'm glad you are because I like apple pie and run-on sentences and babies. Welcome back :)

  52. Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay!!!!! You are back!! This pie sounds fantastic, btw. I love it.
