
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Angel Whispers - Lemon Sandwich Cookies

I knew beforehand but the fact that I wanted to wake up my husband and ask him to please fix the dang Internet for me proves how lazy I am. Our wireless router is on the 2nd floor and having to go up there three times was really hurting my couch lounging time.

On my three trips up to the wireless router I passed by our senile cat Bella, I was so angry over the manual labor I was having to do that it was really hard for me not to take it out on her....her little tail was begging to get stepped on since she was evenly spread out over one whole stair.

Don't worry, I didn't...I might have called her a few names though.

Any more things to prove the laziness going down in this house...I have a few.

1. Running the dryer on the same load of clothes for the 5th 3 days..
2. Letting my child eat cheese puffs off the floor...we haven't had cheese puffs in the house for weeks.
3. Pee Sneezing...because god forbid I get off the couch to pee when I need to! But seriously as a pregnant woman my work should just give me a network jack near the potty with the amount of pee breaks I take.

TMI? Sorry! Let get to the cookies shall we.

{Printable Recipe}
Delightfully borrowed from AllRecipes, slightly altered.
Makes 2 dozen

1 cup butter
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tsp Lemon Juice (if needed for dryer dough)

INGREDIENTS (Cookie Filling)

1 egg, beaten
2/3 cup white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons lemon zest
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
3 tbs cornstarch
1-2 cups powdered sugar


In a medium bowl, cream together butter and confectioners' sugar until light. Stir in the lemon peel, flour and salt. Cover bowl, and chill for about 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

Flatten teaspoons of dough onto cookie sheets, and bake for 5 to 8 minutes, until light brown just a weeeeee bit  on the edges. Remove from baking sheets to cool on racks.

To make the filling, combine the beaten egg, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, cornstarch and butter in the top of a double boiler over high heat. Stir until thick (10-15 min).

Remove from heat and add enough powdered sugar to form a thick movable paste. Sandwich cookies with filling.  Remember that if your filling is still super hot the cookies might slide a bit, I recommend letting the batter cool for just a bit to prevent this.


  1. Delightful story! Delightful cookies! And great pictures! (Poor kitty! Poor Jennifurla!)

  2. Funny (and delicious) post! Being pregnant is very challenging!! I love your photos!

  3. I cannot ever. Ever. make these or I will eat the whole batch and tell no one I have made them. And I'm not even pregnant.

  4. They look ever so tempting and delicious! I am a real sucker for lemony sweet treats and sandwich cookies.



  5. Ha ha, great story! Nice cookies too..
    Take care..

  6. Lemon cookies are my fave next to peanut butter cookies. I'm definitely going to be making these soon!

  7. Looks pretty and yummy! Love the addition of lemon zest to the dough....

  8. I love the name of these cookies and they look so good!

  9. I'm with "yummy mummy".... But I am still making these bad boys!
    Do you think they would freeze well?

    And the sneeze pee...

    But true.


    But...worth that baby love you'll be holding.

  10. These look dreamy. :) My middle son loves lemon anything- he'd be very happy to see these in the cookie jar when he visits next week.

  11. I've been known to call or text my fiance when he is upstairs...because I don't feel like going upstairs to talk to him. I guess we all have lazy moments! :-)

  12. Mmm. MMMMMMMmmmm. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Those look so good!

  13. haha! pee sneezing, those were the days. love these cookies, gorgeous and delicious!

  14. its great to be lazy, isn't it?!

    you are far from that when it comes to baking. these look splendid.

  15. These do look delightful! Great visual and yummy cookies.

  16. I feel energized just looking at these! They make me want to get in the kitchen! :)

  17. Hi Jennifer-Love the name of your amazing light, buttery, and lemon filled cookies. The recipe is just perfect, the photos are stunning, and I really love your blog.
    I am following're welcome to visit, and follow, as well:DDD

  18. Delightful and beautifully presented. I agree with Bake a holic - a little burst of sunshine - can't say it any better.

  19. Mmmmmm...those look awesome! I love lemon anything!

  20. You crack me up...

    The cookies look beautiful and delicious.

  21. The cookies look fabulous... For the record AMEN Sister....A pregnant woman should not have to do any manual labor ( no pun intended).

    This was a great post.


  22. Oh, these cookies look fabulous! Your photos are always top notch (and inspiring)! And pregnant women deserve LOTS of TLC and lounging time :)

  23. These cookies look so good! The lemon is so creamy:) Your photos are fantastic!

  24. These cookies look amazing! and laziness and senile cats are underrated ;) Thanks for sharing!

  25. Hey congrats on the prego part and these gorgeous cookies were worth three trips upstairs! I'm laughing and need to go - - - thanks!

  26. lol.. you crack me up!! Maybe you can talk to you doctor about getting a permanent catheter.. or at least until you are no longer pregnant! :)
    At least you have these cookies! LOVE lemon cookies... mmmmm!!!

  27. You make me laugh...and then you make me drool! Thank you for sharing these lemon delights with me! I hope you are having a great week and I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  28. These look fantastic! Lemon is definitely one of my favorite flavors for desserts.

  29. These cookies look so delicious! Yum. :)

  30. OK, I have been reading your blog but every time I went to comment it would bring back to a log in page! My "test" worked up above so hopefully I have figured out the issue!

    This post had me LMAO! I do the same thing w/the drier and that's usually after I have washed the same load of clothes 2 or 3X b/c of letting them sit in the machine too long! So NOT "Green!"

    Anywho, you're hysterical and your pictures are just gorgeous!!!!

  31. I love lemon and these cookies look perfect! Fun reading this post :)

  32. These look absolutely heavenly. I love lemon desserts and I just don't see enough of them this time of year. I'm pinning this to try soon! Thanks!!

  33. My taste buds are singing!!! Loudly.

  34. I was enthralled by your food styling with this series. Inspiring work, the lemon in the glass was genius. I was taking mental notes "I see what she did there...."
