
Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Very Simple Coconut Cookie

OMG I am so tired. Before becoming pregnant with number 2 (19 weeks now), I had sleeping issues. I would find myself thinking about falling asleep hours before bedtime, basically psyching myself out. Insomnia was my enemy.

Every Sunday after my normal glass of vino and an hour of America's Funniest Home Video's I was already pondering the lack of sleeping that would happen that very night. Basically, I suck when it comes to falling asleep - or maybe it's the barking dogs and loud neighbors that suck...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Now I am some sort of expert....AT BEING TIRED. Oh how I wish I had a babysitter I could pull outta my closet at any time. Is that not the best idea ever?

Almost anything makes me tired these days.

Drinking apple juice makes me tired.
Holding up the blow dryer for more then 30 seconds makes me tired.
Figuring out what fast food I want makes me tired.
Working out makes me tired (LOL, total lie I haven't worked out in like 2 weeks)
Eating cookies makes me tired.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz... oh I typing a post?

The only things that don't make me tired?

I'm not tired for The Real Housewives of Atlanta
I'm not tired for lasagna...yum...from my slow cooker...wowzer
I am not tired when my husband tells me to go to sleep and tells me he's doing all the laundry
I am not tired when someone sends me money
No one ever send me money!!! wahhhhhhhhhhhh

Delightfully borrowed from Martha
{Full Printable Recipe}

1 package (14 ounces)
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup (1 stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour


1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Set aside 2 loosely packed cups of coconut on a plate. Place remaining coconut in a food processor along with sugar, salt, and baking powder; process until finely ground. Add butter, and process just until no lumps remain. Add egg and vanilla; process just until smooth. Add flour; pulse until a crumbly dough begins to form, scraping sides of bowl as needed (do not overmix)I totally overmixed and they were still divine.

2.  Form into golfball sized balls, and roll in reserved coconut. Coat heavily with coconut (lots of it please).

3.  Arrange balls, about 2 inches apart, on baking sheets. Bake until lightly golden, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool on baking sheets 1 to 2 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Now..please don't fall asleep - have a cookie please.


  1. Simple, but extremely delicious!



  2. Love these!

    Unfortunately, the tiredness will continue!

  3. Two words - Camomile Tea, about an hour/hour and a half before bedtime - magic!!

    And would be delicious with these cookies!

  4. They are gorgeous and tempting!

  5. Oh these look so good! Wish I had a few right now to enjoy!

  6. I blame it on the neighbors and barking dogs!!! Time to move so you can get to sleep!!!
    I am digging these cookies. They look wonderful!

  7. sorry you're so dang tired. OD on cookies and take a nap.

  8. I love coconut! I'm totally bookmarking this recipe! I agree with Rebecca... OD on some cookies!! ;)

  9. I HAVE to make these for my coconut loving hubby :)

  10. I'm not sure OD'ing on cookies is the solution. OD'ing on some Taco Bell or something...then cookies, well that might produce a coma-like feeling that is close to sleep. I'd go with that.

    Coconut is totally my fave, I want to eat these, then go to bed.

  11. Your coconut cookies rock. You have a really nice window, filled with natural light for photos-it's a perfect spot.

    Insomnia sucks. I feel your tiredness.


  12. These cookies look fantastic! I've got to try them!
    Is the first ingredient supposed to be 14 oz. coconut? :)

  13. I hear ya on the whole tired thing, and I'm not even pregnant. I think it just sticks with you after the 2nd or 3rd kid--sorry. But these cookies look delicious and I can't wait to try them--if I'm not too tired, that is. ;)

  14. When I was pregs with no 3, I didn't bake or cook for 5 months. Too tired to even wash my own cup. The couch was my best friend.
    These cookies will be perfect for those couch potato sessions that will be so so often now.

  15. You had me with two words... simple, and coconut.
    These look good! And cute enough that I'm thinking they're going to be the Xmas treat that I make for my neighbors this year.
    Thanks for the recipe :-)

  16. I have been on a coconut kick lately, this looks so scrumptious to me!! Have a wonderful week!

  17. Girl... wish I could help you with the being tired thing.. I suffer from the same thing and I have no real excuse!! Guess at least I'm in good company :)
    The cookies look fantastic and I'm not a huge coconut lover either.. I'd still devour a handful of these, trust me!

  18. aww hang in there tired lady! these cookies look delightful

  19. Oh yum, these sound fantastic! I love coconut cookies, and this one looks really easy to pull together. Thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

  20. i remember the tired pregnant days, ugh. i can't think of a better pick-me-up then these gorgeous cookies though, YUM!

  21. Oh yes, I remember those days! I was never too tired for a good chocolate dessert. Your cookies look yummy. Im putting them on my list for Christmas cookies this year. Thanks!

  22. Can I tell you again how much I missed your gorgeous photos and great voice. I'm with you on the insomnia...wait till perimenopause hits...well, I think you have a few years till you have to worry about that. I like the sitter in the closet idea till baby #2 is in Kindergarten :)

  23. A friend suffered poor sleep and I wish I could remember what solved it.

  24. I could definitely fall asleep after a few of these! Something sweet always helps me sleep! Sorry you've had problems! The cookies look delicious!

  25. Oh holy YUM! :D these look amazing!

  26. Simple is good. :) So sorry about your sleep situation. Hope you get some rest soon!

  27. *Fluffing your pillow* You sleep while I eat these - ALL of them. Congrats on baby #2 in the oven! Those cookies look amazing..I initially thought they were coconut macaroons! Must try them!

  28. Absolutely delightful - now please throw me one of those edible snowballs over.

  29. lovely :) gonna produce it at home - kids love coconut

  30. I have sleeping issues too! These look amazing!

  31. What sweet little cookies! I hope that baking them didn't tire you out too much!

  32. A perfectly simple cookie that looks perfectly delicious.

  33. You sweet woman...I can only imagine how tired you must be. Not only taking care of your sweet Indigo but another little person inside of you! Rest up as much as you can. Thank you for sharing this simple yet delicious treat!

  34. Your husband does all your laundry? Give me a plate of these cookies...I'm showing my husband this post!

  35. It's been WAY too long since I visited your blog! I know how you feel, I have sleep issues too and pregnancy always gave me insomnia anyway. And now with three kids, getting sleep is tough! But I love the cookies, they look so good. Good job for such a tired pregnant lady!

  36. YUM! Love this! I'm so glad you are blogging again.

  37. I didn't know you were blogging again!! Yay! I have the hardest time falling asleep too. Takes forevvvver!

    Must make these soon!

  38. FINALLY made these. they are so delicious! Simple is a good thing. Love it.
    Thanks so much! posted them today, btw. Merry Christmas <3
