
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cheesecake

I like to try and teach my toddler random things, stuff like countries and capitals fits in to this category. One of the current ones I thought she knew is Turkey, the capital of Turkey is Ankara FYI...

So one evening my kidlet decides that she is going to quiz me and she started rattling off countries and I gave her the capitals.

Indigo - "Mom what is the capital of Egypt?"
Me -     "Cairo"
Indigo - "Good mom, that's right"
Me - "OK, ask me more"
Indigo - "Mom, what is the capital of Chicken??" (very serious face)
Me - "ummmm... (confused face)...ummm, giblets?"
Indigo - "NO mom, the capital of Chicken is Ankara"

Yes, Chicken has replaced the country of Turkey in her brain...hehehehehe. Have to love the things kids say.

I also have to let you know that apparently Indigo is also carrying twins, I was informed of this last night when she made me feel her babies kicking. She has named them Rosie...yes both of them.

They are due in April just like her big brother, looks like this house is going to be filled with babies.

Speaking of what houses are filled with, mine is filled with dolls and barbies. I find that in the late evenings when Indigo is already in bed these dolls and barbies start freaking me out. When I clean up I am always sure to be gentle for fear that they will hurt me in my sleep

Am I the only one? Never mind, don't answer that!

Delightfully borrowed and adapted from Better Homes and Gardens
{FULL Printable Recipe}

1 1/2 cups crushed Graham Crackers
1/2 cup + 2 TBS Butter, melted
2 TBS Sugar
(2) 8oz packages Cream Cheese, softened
1 cup creamy Peanut Butter
1/4 cup Sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
2 tbs Half & Half
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract


Pre-heat oven to 300. Combine the crushed grahams with melted butter & 2 tbs sugar. Press into a lightly buttered 9-inch spring form pan, sides should rise 1 1/2 inches or so.

Beat 1 package of your cream cheese with your mixer until smooth. Beat in Peanut Butter and 1/4 sugar until combined. Fold in one slightly beaten egg and set aside this mixture.

In a saucepan stir chocolate chips over a low heat until fully melted and smooth. Cube remaining cream cheese and add to mixture until it re-melts, stir constantly to combine. Stir in milk and vanilla until smooth. Remove from heat, fold in 2 slightly beaten eggs - slowly.

Now we can assemble. Spread half the chocolate mixture into your spring form pan, next layer is the Peanut Butter layer (use it all and flatten it) - Top with the last half of your chocolate and smooth the top.

Bake for 45 minutes, or until center is set. Once removed, set on a wire rack to come to room temperature. Cover and chill in your fridge for 4 hours before serving.

PS - One slice equals 5 miles of running, just helping you with the math


  1. Be still my heart...looks delish!!!

  2. Holy wow. That is one awesome looking dessert friend!

  3. You love me... you really love me, or else you wouldn't have put up the dessert of my dreams!

  4. Wow!! If only I could grab a slice through the screen!

  5. This looks so biggest weakness is chocolate and peanut butter.

  6. Aren't kids the cutest?
    I totally sympathize with you on the doll thing. ;)

    The cheesecake reminds me of a giant Reese's cup. Looks fantastic!

  7. So I just have to run 10 miles for 2 pieces? What a deal!

  8. I think I need to run 10 miles after looking at this cheesecake! Dang.

  9. Oh wow does this look yummy! There is nothing better than chocolate and peanut butter together. Unless of course you get to eat it all by yourself, then it's better!

  10. SPEECHLESS! Looks delightful!!
    Also, Chicken = Turkey haha!! Classic!!

  11. Love the replacement of poultry for country names and that she quizzes you on capitols! Such a cutie. Good luck with the twins. Maybe they won't look like creepy dollies.
    Love that dessert creation with all the lovely backgrounds. Looks like crazy goodness.

  12. I love that you are teaching her countries/capitals - I need to do that!

    I also need to stay very far away from this recipe because I would eat the whole thing in one sitting. Seriously.

  13. oh my word that looks good. Indy is too cute with her twins named Rosie!

  14. I ran 5 miles today, so I guess that means I get a slice of this pie! Ha, ha...

    BTW, your daughter is hilarious :)

  15. One slice = amazing. Forget the running. :)

  16. Your Indigo is adorable! I love that she is carrying twins and Chicken is a new country :) I also love this cheesecake! Totally worth the five miles per slice for chocolate and peanut butter!

  17. What a sweetheart :-). I love this cake but will have to stay miles away from it for awhile. I hope you have a greeat day. Blessings...Mary

  18. I love the things that kids say!! And this cheesecake? I'm totally in love with it, too!

  19. Love the new look of your blog! Very cute.

    How have you been feeling? Can you eat all the stuff you cook? I found out I'm do in July and it's hard to work up an appetite to enjoy everything I cook.

  20. This cheesecake looks amazing! I know I'd love it! So funny about the Turkey-chicken mix-up:)

  21. Wow, MTV's Teen Moms has nothing on Indigo. Will she get her own special?

    Wait until she leans that Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople, so if she has a date in Constantinople, he'll be waiting in Istanbul. (Man I love that song.)

  22. ha ha, they say the funniest things. And that looks like the most delicious thing I've ever seen.

  23. You have the cutest girl ever! And this cake? Well I'm already floating up towards heaven. Sorry I've been a bit absent lately. I'm try to get into the swing of a new work schedule. Please know that you and your blog are some of my favorite parts of the week. I hope you are having a delicious day!

  24. Yes, I want some now!
    I love 3 year olds.

  25. Looks yummy and a must make today dessert...

  26. Can't think of a better flavor combination. Wish I was enjoying a BIG slice of this right now.
