
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grilled Cinnamon Chicken over Sweet Potato Grits

I did something really really really out there last night...any guesses? Let me give you some multiple choice answers so we can narrow down the field of craziness that was my evening.

Here are your choices

1. Went out to the club to party down doused in glitter?
2. Went out to the club to party down doused in perfume?
3. Went out to the club to party down doused in a dress made out of steaks?
4. Stayed up until 11pm watching House Hunters?

So, take a guess - which one?

Nope your wrong, I DID NOT go clubbing...I totally stayed up until 11pm watching House Hunters. Let me tell you...when you realize that you stayed up WAY past your bedtime and come to the realization that your child is getting up at the same time no matter what...

You get sad...and then you worry about how bad the day is going to suck...which makes sleep further and further away... LOL.

But you know what makes me happy? Waking up to the old ball and chain making French Toast & coffee...already getting mini me ready to go. It totally ended up being a rocking morning and I got to stay up late and party like a rock star.

Rock Stars watch House Hunters right?

INGREDIENTS (serves 6)
Delightfully Adapted from Better Homes & Gardens
{FULL Printable Recipe}

6 Chicken Breasts (thin)
1 TBS Vegetable Oil
2 tsp Salt (or amount you prefer for taste/health)
1 tsp ground Cinnamon
3/4 cup Quick Grits (or enough to serve 4-6)
3 cups water (or amount called for on your box for grits)
1/2 cup canned Sweet Potato
1/3 cup shredded Cheddar
2 TBS Butter
Fresh Sage


Drizzle Chicken with oil, coat chicken nicely. Rub chicken with the Cinnamon, Pepper, and 1/2 tsp Salt.

Pre-Heat grill to 350-400, according to the thickness of your breast - grill until juices run clear.

Meanwhile, in a saucepan bring your water to boiling. Stir in grits, sweet potato, and 1 1/2 tsp salt. Return to boiling then reduce heat and simmer covered, stir frequently. Once grits have thickened add in the butter & shredded cheddar.

To serve, spoon generous portion of grits onto your serving plate - top with one chicken breast and sprinkle on diced fresh sage. Season to taste with more salt & pepper if desired.


  1. You grill girl! I mean, you go girl!

    You know I'm a sucker for anything grilled but I also love grits with any meal. I haven't ever thought of sweet potato grits before but it totally goes with the cinnamon in the chicken. I have to try this one.

  2. Such a delicious looking recipe and a beautiful presentation! You do great staying up past your bedtime :)

  3. A healthy and tasty meal! What a great idea.



  4. Hey, I don't even have kids and I always feel like a hipster when I stay up past my bedtime! Love this chicken & grits.

  5. this looks delicious, loving the cinnamon pepper spice blend! I also watched House Hunters the other night, that show is awesome!

  6. Look at you go, girl!! You better calm that craziness down, though, you don't want to upset the little one still in the oven :) hehehe

    I have come to really love cinnamon chicken.. there is just something wonderfully sweet and spicy about it! Yours looks wonderful on top of those grits!

  7. You are wild!

    And these grits have me so intrigued.

  8. I would have never thought of combining all of these ingredients together; but it looks amazing. I've got to try cinnamon chicken. Soon.

  9. Love this! I'd choose watching House Hunters over the club too :) I've never added cinnamon to chicken before...definitely inspirational!

  10. They look delicious..Mouthwatering


  11. Wow. Looks absolutely divine. And we must share the same bedtime, btw ;)

    Sasha from Kale With Love

  12. I love cinnamon on pork, so why not chicken!

  13. hey, ain't nothing wrong with a night of good tv :) ain't nothing wrong with this dish either, delicious!

  14. Sweet potato grits!? I would be licking the bowl!

  15. This is such an unusual combination of flavors. You have me intrigued, I will have to try it!

  16. What a unique idea. I think this is something that I definitely need to try. It sounds so savory! xo

  17. What a delish combo you've made here. It's good for you too. I'm making it soon. Sounds like you are feeling better too...keep par-tay-in!!!
