“Hey Strawberry Tart – That right you over there all gorgeous and stuff”
“Hey Tart, does your crust hurt? Because it must have hurt falling from heaven”
You would totally flirt with this tart if it was sitting in front of you - it is darn gorgeous & tasty.

I delightfully and to everyone else’s delight borrowed this recipe from
Confessions of a Tart
Now on to the dough, perfect specimen it is! I was even able to remove that tart from the tart dish without it breaking – GO ME

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick plus 1 tablespoon (9 tablespoons; 4 1/2 ounces) very cold (or frozen) unsalted butter cut into small pieces1 large egg yolk
DIRECTIONS for tart crust
Put the flour, sugar and salt in the bowl and whisk together. Scatter the pieces of butter over the dry ingredients and press in with a potato masher—you should have pieces the size of oatmeal flakes and some the size of peas. Stir the yolk, just to break it up, and add it a little at a time until incorporated. Now work the dough into a ball, use a tablespoon of ice water to help the process along. Wrap in Saran Wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
Easy peasy - once cold and combined, roll out on floured parchment and place over your buttered and floured pan. Pinch the edges to desired shape. I used a fork dipped in ice water for this affect.

Bake fitted with foil and filled with bean at 375 for 25 minutes, then remove the beans and bake for another 8. Crust will be a gorgeous golden light brown.
2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp sugar
2 large eggs
4 tbsp unsalted butter
1/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla extract

DIRECTIONS for pastry cream
Pour the milk into a heavy saucepan. Add the salt, place over medium-high heat, and bring to just under a boil, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, whisk together the cornstarch and sugar. Add the eggs and whisk until smooth.
When the milk is ready, slowly drizzle about 1/3 of the hot milk into the egg mixture, whisking continuously. Pour the egg-milk mixture back into the hot milk and continue whisking until the custard is as thick as lightly whipped cream, about 2 minutes. The mixture must come just to the boiling point. Remove from heat and immediately pour through a sieve into a bowl. Stir in the vanilla extract. Let this cool for 10 minutes. Now stir in the butter.
Let your inner artist decorate with halved strawberries, blueberries, berry berries! Anything you desire, even chocolate chips would be fine…or plain.
I present my masterpiece in all of its glory

I would totally get this tart's digits.
I think I'm in love with this tart. Serious love.
Cows are definitely more trustworthy...:) This tart is truly a thing of beauty and so delicious looking!
Oh my, I think I'm in love! Seriously good looking tart :o)
Very cute intro! This is in fact, a gorgeous tart! The shortbread crust sounds spectacular!
It is so beautiful, I bow down to it.
Gorgeous tart...looks sooo good! Definitely must taste heavenly:)
That is one seriously beautiful tart. I'd be tempted not to eat it so as not to ruin it. I definitely would though. :)
that is a magnificent pie!!! I absolutely love the crust, it looks perfect! and what a great filling and those beautiful berries....this is pie heaven!
That is perfection!
This is an absolutely beautiful strawberry tart. Love it!
Please send a generous slice over to Singapore! hahaha.
This is indeed a beauty! I almost too beautiful to eat.
Go you, indeed! I'm in love with this tart, or at least infatuated.
Aw that is such a gorgeous tart! I posted a tart today too. I love how easy it is decorate with fruit and end up with something so beautiful!
I would certainly flirt with this tart...and try to take it back to my place! You did an amazing job with this. It is visually stunning, and I'm sure it tastes incredible. Amazing job, love!
Wow, your tart looks gorgeous! Those strawberries are so deeply red. And I bet it was delicious.
I am speechless, this tart is just perfect!
Sawadee from Bangkok,
Can I plz have some now..gorgeous click makes me craving....
I would have to agree with you.. the tart is a thing of beauty!!!
OMG..such a gorgeous Tart..looks delightful n so vibrant..beautiful job dear!!
US Masala
That looks like it came from a European bake shop. You are an excellent cook and photographer. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary
This looks stunning! I'd have a hard time saving the pastry cream to fill the tart :)
That is gorgeous!! No wonder why you wanted to flirt with it!
That's a real BEAUTY! Excellent photos!
WOW!! This looks gorgeous!! Superb clicks n presentation..
This tart looks amazing!I am borrowing the recipe! Can I come over for dessert:) Actually I love the look of your entire blog. It is so crisp and clean.I am your newest follower. I hope you can return the favor.I am trying to reach a goal of 1000 followers by my birthday 9/25.Happy Mothering!
On second thought, I had to add you to the blog roll I don't want to miss any of your incredible recipes:)
GORGEOUS tart!!! And your daughter is sooo precious. Love your blog! I'll be back!
OH MY GOD that looks amazing!!!! I should really stop checking out your blog late at night! Now all I want is a strawberry tart!! Looks delicious! I'm off to check out more of your blog! YUM
c/o Maillardville Manor
Gorgeous tart! Your strawberry arranging skills are awesome!
oooh looks delicious!
Insanely gorgeous.
Flirt? Heck, I'd marry this tart! ;D Honestly, this is the prettiest tart I have ever seen! Girl, you've got talent!
I think this tart is flirting with me! Strawberries are my favorite fruit and I would so eat this up in a heartbeat.
Gorgeous. Have you thought about buying a tart pan with a removable bottom?
This looks absolutely gorgeous! I love any excuse to eat lots of pastry cream, and this is it!
A culinary work of art!
Nirmala - yes I have! I just havn't found one yet - hint hint to my husband! ha
Very nice! All you need to do now is fix your crappy streched out header.
LOL, she is a beauty! :)
Btw, I like how you arranged the starwberries, very pretty.
That really is beautiful and delicious looking!
That is one gorgeous looking tart!
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