Sometimes mornings in my household can be a bit extreme. Let me..let you, have a peak into our mornings.
430am - Wake up, PUMP PUMP and not a New Jersey Fist pump...I'm talking machinery attached to the ladies in order for milk extraction to happen. TMI?
445am - Hear the baby start crying just as you finish, meaning now we need to bottle up the juice in order to feed him
500am - Stare at baby at through shower door, simultaneausly praying that he does not start crying.
505am - Hear toddler awaken, she immediately demands a waffle and applejuice...87 times.
510am - Try to find your hair brush (hint, it's dowstairs now hidden in a drawer because your toddler put it there.
515am - Decide the curly hair look is in today, apply make up, start sweating mid makeup application.

525am - Dress toddler and baby. Toddler demands that she be allowed to wear a dress, you say "no it's too cold outside." Commence the total breakdown of toddler.
527am - Put adult toothpaste on toddlers toothbrush, toddler foams at the mouth due to lack of peppermint experience. You can guess that this did not help the situation.
528am - Scream and Cry (me, not the toddler)
530am - Tell toddler if she doesn't settle down her whole birthday is cancelled.
535am - Feel really guilty about how much of a biatch I'm being.

545am - Get into car and drop the heathens off at daycare.
630am - Arrive at work and make everybody listen to your sob story of a morning...twice. Rinse, Repeat.

What cute pictures!
Ahhh so glad my youngest is now 12!
Thankful mine are all grown up! The pictures are adorable!
I remember getting to work and saying that I just wanted there to be one morning where the youngest didn't scream from the time she woke up until the time that she got to grandma's. She celebrated her 29th birthday yesterday....now she only grumbles if she has to get up early...I guess she never got over not being a morning person!
It will get better....
Poor you! I remember giving one of the girls adult toothpaste once by accident. Not a pretty sight.
Cute cute pictures! That one of your baby with a surprised look is SO funny!
could they be any cuter in these photos?! I think not. But at 4:45am with two little ones, I'd certainly be crying, too ;)
Ohhh, I hate pumping!! I have to do it every day too. I can't believe how early you get up, I hope you go to bed early too. Hang in there.
And it's only 6:30?? Is 6:30 too early for a cocktail? :)
Aww....they both are precious.
Oh my word, what a adorable pictures. xo
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